New Israel Fund staffer and J Street Board Member: Jews in Europe and early Zionist pioneers were 'infiltrators'

'Infiltrators' is the English translation of the Hebrew word mistaninim, which is the word that the Israeli media has been using for our illegal immigrants.
How many other members of the 'progressive Jewish leadership' regard Jews in Europe and early Zionist pioneers as 'infiltrators'? How many other members of the 'progressive Jewish leadership' ignore the entire Jewish birthright to the Land of Israel, as if we suddenly showed up here in the 1880's or in the 1940's without any prior connection? How many other members of the 'progressive Jewish leadership' would leave Jews with no place to go (other than - maybe - the Americas, Australia and South Africa)? If Murane is a 'Jewish leader' maybe it's time for the rank and file to revolt.
Simply despicable.
Murane also wrote a blog post about the illegal immigrants from Africa here. To put it mildly, it's disingenuous.
It seems many Israelis have forgotten. Israel is supposedly the “center” of Jewish life, to where Diaspora leaders point as the place where knowledge of Jewish historical persecution is part of the public’s awareness. The UN’s covenant on refugee asylum was one of Israel’s first contributions to the international community: the country’s first government championed, campaigned and signed the voluntary law. Just like the Israelites enshrined the lessons of slavery in the Torah, early Israelis enshrined the lessons of the Holocaust in international law. Both are Jewish contributions to global morality.Early Israelis ensured that Jews would have a place to flee from persecution. They did not seek to guarantee that economic opportunity seekers would be opportunistically able to demographically alter the Jewish state. There is one Jewish state in the world, and it ought to be able to decide to stay that way. The goal of the early Israelis was that Jews would always have at least one place to go. That's why the Law of Return only applies to Jews.
Will the fools who accept Murane and his pals into the mainstream of the Jewish community continue to do so?
Labels: Breaking the Silence, illegal immigration, J Street, Leftist Jews, New Israel Fund
Would it be improper for me to pray Murane dies from bone cancer on the day after he watches his entire family burned to death in a fire?
@Empress Trudy. It would be. He's still a Jew, despite his hostility toward Israel and other Jews. And just because he has repugnant views, it does not mean we should be praying for his death and the violent death of his entire family! After all, that would include the entire Jewish Nation, and many have already tried to "burn us to death in a fire."
@Carl - thank you for another important post. It's very sad when fellow Jews, especially those who pretend to be pro-Israel and who are celebrated and supported by the mainstream Jewish establishment, harbor such hostility against the Jewish State.
You asked some poignant questions in your piece. I think it's important to also call out some of the other anti-Israel advocates who apparently support this view (through RT's and other Tweets in support of this view of his on Twitter). They are as follows:
- "Didi Remez" (@didiremez)
- "Laid Back Farmer" (@laidbackfamer)
- "Benjamin Silverstein" (@bensilverstein)
- "Adam Chandler" (@AllMyChandler)
- "Rabbi Alana Suskin" (@RabbiSuskin)
But the real question is, if the New Israel Fund and J-Street are supposed to be pro-Israel (though we all know that they are not), why does one employ this total Israel hater, and the other have him on their board?
Also, why is this anti-Israel advocate repeatedly a welcome speaker at events like Tribefest? And is he a PAID speaker? Keep in mind, Tribefest is a Jewish Federations of North America event. And its partners and sponsors are as follows:
-"The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas"
-"Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL)"
-"New Israel Fund" (obviously)
-"Repair the World" (Daniel Sieradski's farce)
-"Alpha Epislon Pi" (yes, the Jewish fraternity)
-"14th Street Y"
-"Bureau of Jewish Education"
-"American Zionist Movement"
-"Chassida Shmella"
-"The Ethiopian National Project"
-"Hebrew Immigration Aid Society"
-"International Association of Free Loans"
-"Lahak Aviation"
-"Jewish Council for Public Affairs"
-"American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (funny name when you think about it... i imagine a lot of hippies with Jew-fros passing out joints...)
-"Jewish Connectivity"
-"Jewish Learning Institute"
-"Jewish Telegraphic Agency"
-"Nefesh B' Nefesh"
-"Next Dor"
-"North American Federation of Temple Youth"
-"Rose Community Foundation"
-"Sigma Delta Tau"
-"Union for Reform Judaism"
-"United Synagogue Youth"
-"Yoga Vacations"
-"Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity"
-"The Jewish Theological Seminary"
-"Jewish Outreach Institute"
-"Birthright Israel Foundation"
-"Taglit Birthright Israel"
-"The PJ Library"
-"Jewish Sports Foundation"
-"Victor Centers for Jewish Genetic Diseases"
-"UMBC Hillel"
-"EHiM Parmacy Benefits"
I put all of these in quotes so they will show up in searches. I think these organizations should be contacted to let them know that they are indirectly supporting anti-Israel advocates like Murane (G-d knows, he's not the only one supported by Tribefest and other mainstream Jewish organizations and event).
And if these anti-Israel folks continue to be supported by organizations like the ones listed above, it's time that people that support such organizations reconsider that support.
Thanks again for your post. I apologize for the length of my comment, but I think people with such hostile anti-Israel views should be ostracized and alienated from the Jewish community, as opposed to embraced and honored. How can any organization consider itself to be pro-Israel if they are supporting (or employing) frauds like Murane? And if he was the only one, perhaps it wouldn't be a problem. But we all know that this problem is not limited to him.
I was told that Jews are NOT required to have baseless love, always seeing the good points and practising common decency towards certain Jews who harbour ill-will towards their fellow Jews to the point where they are not overly concerned for the welfare of the Jewish people, side with the enemies of the Jewish people and they see fellow Jews suffering and ignoring them in order to ingratiate themselves towards their enemies.
thejewess -
I don't know where you live, but where I am, it is anyone who verbalizes objections to what these New Left marcuse marxists are doing, donating to, or advocating for. I've been "un-friended" by a rabbi that I've known for years for my objections.
There is no way these people will change their approaches. (And, BTW, to get myself un-friended from the other side, most of the things the U.S. orgs are advocating for, above all life giving factors, are things Israel practices - abortion, LGBT stuff, ending death penalty, environmentally instigated poverty, etc.)
MARXISM is the disease. It is anti-human and infuses the West now.
Ok then. I'll pray he just has severe chronic eczema that resembles leprosy.
Twitter is for bird-brains.
As for the guy who would besmirch his own people; well, it's Israel now. And if you think you can take it back; come get some, baby! It's ours now. How's that for the history books. We reconquered our lands and re-established our nation. And will not be subjugated under the authority of our enemies. And if you don't want to help us build this, get out of the way. There are many of us who will never tire of making the hope a reality. Real blood was spilled, fighting for this land. It was rocks and desolate and malarial swamps. We built this. Now it is beautiful.
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