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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Obama's nakba

This piece by James Lewis is spot-on.
Obama has surrendered the Middle East to our enemies. That follows his religion of third-world socialism, which grew out of Lenin's war ideology. Obama's bio-dad in Kenya was a third-world socialist, which is why El Presidente wrote Dreams from My Father. Obama Senior lost a political battle with Jyomo Kenyatta, but Obama still clings bitterly to that old post-colonial socialism. For Obama, an "organic revolution" is better than moderation. ("Organic revolution" is what he called it in an argument with Hillary in the White House.) Just make things worse, and by some miracle they will get better.

Obama is historic -- not because he is our first black president, but because he is the first president who believes in a war ideology. Abraham Lincoln did not believe in war, and neither did George Washington or FDR. Normal Americans don't, but Obama believes in class warfare, racial warfare, ideological warfare, religious warfare. This is Jerry Wright and Louis Farrakhan thinking. How could it not be? When you spend 20 years learning at the feet of Jerry Wright, you can't think outside of that box.

Egypt is now in the hands of throwbacks to the 7th century. Iran and the rest are rushing to get nukes -- it's all organic to Barry.

For sixty years the United States has been the good cop in the Middle East. We have mediated between Arabs and Israel, and we have accomplished much.

Obama had a huge window of opportunity to knock down Iranian nuclear facilities in the last four years, when Iran had no bomb and no long-range missiles. The U.S. had the power to do that. We did it four times in the last twenty years.

But Obama refused.

That window of opportunity has now slammed shut. If we end up fighting Iran, they will be armed to the teeth, because we lost the chance to pre-empt them.

We are now "negotiating" with Persian rug-sellers in Iran, when they have us at a huge disadvantage. This is nuts. It's a formula for surrender.

This is nakba for real.

The liberal PR machine is now working overtime to cover up the truth. But don't be taken in, please. The libs are going to announce a phony peace with Iran, just like Bill Clinton announced a phony peace with North Korea. Bill Clinton won his second term with smoke and mirrors, but the Norks went ahead and made nukes and ICBMs anyway. Surprise! Clinton didn't care that they violated promises made to him. He figured they would anyway, and he could sucker the voters. And he did.

So expect an "Obama Made Peace in the Middle East!" headline any day.
Read the whole thing.

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