Iranian foreign minister says Israel could not stand one week of real war
Iranian foreign minister Ali Akhbar Salehi says that Israel would not last one week in the event of a 'real war.'Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: MFS - The Other News).
Remember how defenseless defense minister

Labels: Ali Akbar Salehi, Iranian nuclear threat, Israeli attack on Iran
"Weak", "defenseless" Israel? Is that why Israel beat all comers in the War of Independence? Why Israel thrashed Egypt, Jordan and Syria in the 6 Day War? Why Israel came back from the brink in the Yom Kippur War to thrash Egypt and cross the Canal in force, with the IDF a day's march from Cairo; take the Golan and be a day's march from Damascus?
If that's "weak" and "defenseless", it sure as hell doesn't say much for the far larger, far more populous Arab states that Israel has thoroughly beaten repeatedly. But let Salehi and his Islamofascist colleagues have, and operate on, their delusions. As Sun Tzu said, "Never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake."
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