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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bibi betrayed?

Those who have been reading for a while know that I don't like to sole source DEBKA. But there's enough in this story that I know to be true to make it worth at least throwing the rest - which is also highly plausible - on the table.

US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon is here in Israel and is meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu on Sunday night. The purpose of his trip has been described very generally as reassuring Israel with respect to both Iran and Syria. But DEBKA is reporting that the real reason behind Donilon's hastily arranged visit is that Netanyahu is angry and feels betrayed that President Obama is attempting to enter into talks with Iran once again.
This unusually long trip by a top White House official over the weekend is a measure of the crisis in relations.

The visit is part of the US “unshakeable commitment to Israel's security,” according to a White House statement. It was called “the latest in a series of regular, high-level consultations between the United States and Israel, consistent with our strong bilateral partnership.”

Such pledges no longer wash in Jerusalem, debkafile’s political sources report, in light of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s strong sense of betrayal from what he sees as surreptitious US diplomacy with Iran for promoting talks that will end the promised sanctions for halting Iran’s momentum for building a nuclear weapon now in its final stages.

The existence of those back-channel exchanges and the imminence of negotiations with Iran were first disclosed by DEBKA-Net-Weekly 529 of Feb. 17.

In private conversations, Netanyahu has said he feels cheated. By its actions the Obama administration leaves Israel with no recourse other than to grapple with the Iranian menace on its own, he has said, and be less sensitive to Washington’s wishes.

A bipartisan group of concerned US senators warned President Obama Friday that they would strongly oppose any proposal in talks with Iran that would allow it to continue uranium enrichment activities.

A letter signed by a dozen senators from both parties expressed concern that Iran would try to use a resumption of talks with world powers on its nuclear program to buy time and dilute international pressure on it.

"Such tactical maneuverings are a dangerous distraction and should not be tolerated," the senators said.
Read the whole thing.

It should be noted that the two Iranian ships that crossed the Suez Canal on Friday (to which the DEBKA report refers) have since docked in the Syrian port of Tartus and are offloading weapons for the Assad government.

Bibi has good reason to feel betrayed. The existence of talks would likely mean that the implementation of new sanctions would be delayed. Thus, for example, the suspension of Iran's membership in the SWIFT network - a very serious sanction - is unlikely to be implemented if there are ongoing talks with Iran. The result is that the Obama administration is calling on Israel to hold off and give the sanctions a chance, while at the same time slowing down the sanctions, virtually ensuring that Iran will enter the 'zone of immunity' before the sanctions can fully take hold. This puts Israel in the untenable position of either going it alone or relying on Obama.

And you wonder why no one here trusts Obama? What could go wrong?

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At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BB is no fool. however he may succumb to pressure, and i pray Hashem protects him from doing so. he knows the back hand ways. remember how the clintons sent two people during his first premiership,to make sure ehud barak wins. and he did. this is bb's second chance from Hashem. for whatever reason, Hashem has given him a second chance. i pray he does not throw it away. even the layman on the streets does not trust ob. how can bb. he wont. he needs our prayers to make the right decision. let this purim and its miracle against the hamans be the strength he needs to put all his trust only in Hashem.

At 4:14 AM, Blogger Niko said...

It is as if Obama is pushing Israel to go at it alone so that he can then throw temper tantrum and do as much damage to US/Israel cooperation, Israeli security and general situation in Middle East. There's no other possible reason to make all these maneuverings than that, unless his and his staff's IQs are below 70.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Empress Trudy said...

The question you have to ask yourself is what will the world look like if and when Iran detonates a nuke before the November Presidential election? I believe the quid pro quo Obama thinks he's reached with Iran - to defer a nuclear test until after the election will not hold up since Iran has no interest in bolstering Obama over any other candidate.

At 11:08 PM, Blogger supertoen said...

As an American and a Jew-Loving Gentile (sorry if that sounded offensive), I must say I am so unbelievably angry and embarrassed of our Muslim-loving Jew-Hating President (Offense intended). He is despicable. I would love to move to Israel and help out however I could (although I dont think I have much to offer, except prayers). I have been a flag-waving proud American until the last 15-20 years or so. I am disappointed, appalled, insulted, and now afraid for the future of this country that has so obviously turned it's back on G-d's people.

Apologies all around


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