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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Holder's Department of Justice fails to prosecute 'Palestinian' terrorists who murdered Americans

In case you hadn't noticed, the 'Palestinian' terrorists who murdered American citizens and were released as part of the terrorists for Gilad trade are still free. Despite a specific American law that allows for the prosecution of terrorists who murder Americans abroad, Eric Holder, President Obama's Attorney General, has not lifted a finger to extradite any of the released terrorists to the United States. I trust that none of my American readers are surprised.
So what could Holder and the DOJ do about it? According to the 1991 Anti-Terror Act, the United States may prosecute those who commit acts of terror overseas against Americans, with written permission from the Attorney General. However, despite the fact that a significant number of American citizens have been victims of terror attacks committed by Palestinians, the United States has to date never extradited any terrorists.

This is especially bewildering in light of the fact that there is an entire division within the U.S. Justice Department specifically tasked with tracking down perpetrators of these types of attacks, as even its name makes crystal clear: The Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism.

In a press release discussing this matter, ZOA states, “If the Justice Department does not go after the Palestinian Arab terrorists who were recently released and now living in freedom, then it is sending a dangerous and appalling message to victims and their families… that the United States does not value the victims and their families enough to ensure that these criminals are punished and justice is served.”

Serving justice is Holder’s job. By ignoring these attacks, he and his DOJ do the families of the American victims of Palestinian terror a great disservice. Why is the American Attorney General so unwilling to enforce American law? The ZOA is precisely right about this: It is not only in the interest of justice to extradite these terrorists, but also in the interest of U.S. foreign policy, in order to demonstrate that the United States will stand up for the rights of American citizens wherever they are. That is an assurance all Americans should not have to question.

However, seeing as how Holder seems to have a difficult time holding anyone accountable within the United States (Fast and Furious, anyone?), it would be quite surprising to see him take appropriate action for the disturbing acts of violence outside the United States.

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At 6:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, at least DOJ didn't send then guns through staw-buyers. well, not that we know of... O-team, criminally incompetent, incompetently criminal or a little of both?


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