Would Obama strike Iran?

As President Obama gears up for his reelection campaign, he has sent a cadre of advisers and former advisers out to convince the public that
he really would strike Iran to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Obama has “made it very clear” that he regards a nuclear-armed Iran as so great a threat to international security that “the Iranians should never think that there’s a reluctance to use the force” to stop them, Dennis Ross, who served two years on Obama’s National Security Council and a year as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s special adviser on Iran, said in an interview.
“There are consequences if you act militarily, and there’s big consequences if you don’t act,” said Ross, who in a two-hour interview at the Bloomberg Washington office laid out a detailed argument against those who say Obama would sooner “contain” a nuclear-armed Iran than strike militarily.
The administration considers the risks of permitting a nuclear-armed Iran to be greater than the risks of military action, said Ross, who last month rejoined the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a research group.
His comments came the day after Obama’s top civilian and uniformed defense officials said that developing a nuclear weapon would cross a red line, precipitating a US strike.
“They need to know that if they take that step, they’re going to get stopped,” US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Jan. 8 on CBS News’s “Face the Nation.” On the same program, General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he has been responsible for planning and positioning assets to be ready if ordered to take military action.
Let's go to the videotape.
No he wouldn't and he won't implement the sanctions eighter!
If I were cynical which of course I'm not, I'd say Obama and Iran reached a deal whereby Iran doesn't announce it's nuclear weapon until Obama's inauguration and then, with a lame duck Presidency, Obama will ignore Iran and hand them the Jews on a platter.
1:18 "Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No. But we know that they're trying to develop a nuclear capability. And that's what concerns us. And our red line to Iran is do not develop a nuclear weapon. That's a red line for us."
So the Obama posse is still mouthing that 2007 assessment that Iran is not nuking up? WTF?!?! By which, of course, I mean WIN THE FUTURE!
5:08 "If the Israelis made that decision (to act independently), we would have to be prepared to protect our forces in that situation. That's what we'd be concerned about."
IMHO, anything to push out past the election would be a good move. Maybe we'll get them voted out, but it will be clear at that point. So I wouldn't blast away too much at Netanyahu, because that may be his (well informed) aim.
He will attack in late October. Obama needs it to boost his poll numbers. I just hope that Israel attacks Iran this summer, destroying the last chance Obama will have to prove he isn't a weakling.
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