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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jordan knows which side it's on?

Jordan knows which side it's on in the Middle Eastern conflict - and it sure isn't Hamas' side.
The Jordanian foreign minister, who returned to Amman after a visit to the West Bank on Monday, told Jordanian newspaper Al Ghad's TV broadcast on Tuesday that Jordan was committed to supporting the Palestinian Authority.

"There are no bilateral relations with Hamas. Our relations are with the Palestinian Authority," Judeh said.

On Monday, Judeh visited Palestinian Authority offices in Ramallah along with Jordan's King Abdullah II in the first diplomatic trip to the West Bank city since PA President Mahmoud Abbas assumed the presidency in 2000.

Both Judeh and Abdullah made comments during their trip affirming Jordanian support of a Palestinian state along the Green Line with east Jerusalem as its capital, and reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas.

Jordan's new Prime Minister Awn Kasawneh said earlier this month that the expulsion of Hamas's leaders in Jordan, and closing their offices was a political and legal mistake, interpreted by some as a softening of ties between Hamas and Jordan.

Still, the Jordanian foreign minister denied on Tuesday the possibility of reestablishing Hamas offices in Amman in the future, according to Al Moheet.
Why do the Jordanians want Fatah to reconcile with Hamas, particularly at a point when - like now - Fatah is internally weak? I would think that Jordan would want Fatah to defeat Hamas. Hmmm.

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