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Monday, September 05, 2011

An avoidable crisis that will be much worse than we imagine

Barry Rubin explains what went wrong with the 'Palestinian' unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) and what seems likely to continue to go wrong.
A “normal” U.S. policy would have begun pressing the PA to back down from this strategy almost a year ago, when PA leaders began talking about it. Rather than take quick action—or, indeed, punish, pressure, or even criticize the PA for anything it did—the Obama Administration stood by and made disapproving murmurs from time to time.

We are now facing the consequences of the policy of: let’s be weak so people like us; leading from behind; not rewarding friends or punishing enemies,; refusing to use U.S. leverage (Turkey votes against sanctions on Iran? Let’s put them in charge of Syria’s future!); and generally letting other countries walk all over the United States. I’d love to list other examples of similar issues here but don’t want to take your time so you can fill in the additional details.

Now, the cloud once the size of a man’s hand has turned into a more serious big brother of Hurricane Irene. If you don’t mind my mixing hurricanes, think of U.S. foreign policy as New Orleans.

A colleague suggests that the administration is now panicked. I think it isn’t panicking but should be. A sign of not understanding the magnitude of the problem is that it is now doing the kind of thing that should have been doing on around September 2010, not September 2011. If you are a U.S. citizen living in a Muslim-majority country you might think about what you will be doing later this month.

As a result, the United States has no leverage over the PA, a client that depends on Washington for any possibility of actual peace, having a real state, and paying its bills. Equally, it has no leverage over virtually any other country in the world in terms of voting on this issue. America has been transformed from superpower to super-cower, begging the PA to take pity on it and back down from an obviously successful strategy.
Israel Radio reported (2:00 pm) that Prime Minister Netanyahu has invited Abu Bluff to come to Jerusalem to negotiate or to meet with him in Ramallah. You know who's putting Bibi up to that. Even in the unlikely even that Abu Mazen accepts the invitation, it's an exercise in futility. There is no chance that Abu Mazen will compromise on anything now.

Barry's right that Obama should be panicking. And Obama is panicking. But not over the results of his lousy policy. He's panicking over the thought that he might have to betray his buddies Ayers, Wright and Khalidi by casting a veto against the UDI in the Security Council because otherwise he doesn't have a stone's throw in hell chance of being reelected.

What could go wrong? Read the whole thing.

Someone please tell me that the US at least won't reelect this moron in 2012. The results of another four years of Obama would be disastrous.

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At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all this were happening in September 2012 - the UDI at the UN, and Obama looking unlikely to be reelected - , or in 2013 after he had been reelected, I don't think Obama would disappoint his dear friends Ayres and Khalidi. He's probably more pi$$ed at Abbas' timing than anything.

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

Obama, panicking? His staff of normal people may be. But Obama has got to be thrilled. He was inculcated his whole life with the marcuse/frankfurt group new left kill-to-get-your-political-way philosophy. Not to mention whatever he learned in his madrasa school growing up. He is pushing the overturned apple cart over the cliff. Anybody who thinks he is incompetent, panicked rather than excited and maybe amazed that it has been so easy... is not seeing him and his buddies clearly. Remember his posse is marxist caliphate people, as at UCSD where Professor Marcuse spent his later years brainwashing... and now has a Che Cafe... Che, who was raised in a hippie family, who got him fed and educated all the way through med school, then cut a swath across the world killing and killing. Poor Africa, who got out from under the Euros, only to have the Che marxists show up and turn their world into quicksand. That's who these people are. People still just can't believe this. And I wouldn't either if I had not met Prof. Marcuse in the '70s and heard his brainwash...

At 4:19 PM, Blogger downtown dave said...

If the nations and people of the world don't take God seriously, or even believe He exists, they will see Him soon enough. God says He will judge the nations that divide up the land He gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their descendants forever.

At 4:30 PM, Blogger HaShaliach said...

While the Middle East is in an uproar and sucking all of Europe, Asia and much of the Americas into the political (and sometimes physical) conflict, we can clearly see that, if not planned by this administration, the attacks on Israel are clearly approved. All of Europe is being split up into pro and con Israel camps, with Israel coming out on the short end of the stick. Many of the third-world countries are also lining themselves up with the major anti-Israel European players.

If Israel fall - then the entire Western world will follow within a decade. The policies in place within this administration and their results cannot be by accident, they are too consistant!

At 5:35 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

" All of Europe is being split up into pro and con Israel camps, with Israel coming out on the short end of the stick."

What amazes me is that Israel ever had any doubt of this outcome from people who gassed and put into the ovens 6 million Jews. The Euros and Russians are sick puppies on this topic. And the ones who are not sick are envious of Israeli and Jewish achievement and are sitting silently. And the Americans will do almost anything to maintain the image to themselves that they live in Disneyland.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Juniper in the Desert said...

Talking of Che and rich hippies:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2033795/Jane-Fonda-said-biggest-regret-sleeping-Che-Guevara.html

At 10:53 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

JitD- Perfect! Carl, maybe David Horowitz would make a podcast audio or video on this topic/article. The thing to remember here is that Che was from an aristocratic family. They were occasionally short of funds, but they had a city house, a weekend house, and a plantation during most of his upbringing. Che went to good schools and had hour upon hour to READ. When Che went on a wandering road trip during med school with one of his friends, he finally encountered real poverty. But not for himself. Everywhere he went, enablers who were friends of his family or were in the medical profession gave him places to stay and money. He even figured out how to mooch off of random people who were in his path, even the poor. Che, Jane Fonda, FRAUDS. Creating a world where there is absolutely no opportunity for poor people to move up. Or even eat enough, for that matter.

At 1:17 AM, Blogger BH in Iowa said...

What Obama wants most is Israel's claim to Yesha. He wants Israel to surrender their legitimacy. This is why he's so committed to the 'peace process' and against any unilateral acts - particularly by his PA Arabs. If Israel were to surrender its claim to its own heartland, it has no basis on which to reestablsh soverignty once the attacks from those areas start. If Israel were to surrender their claim to two of the four Holy Cities, how can they claim legitimacy over the other two? How can one claim those cities are holy when he can surrender them to an enemy without a shot fired? Holy cities are defended to the last. We all know Obama is in the bag for Hamas/Hezbullah/Fatah/PFLP, but do those groups even realize the extent to which he is? This subversion could very well cost Obama a second term, as well as his entire agenda. We all know the one cause worth sacrificing a second term.


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