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Monday, September 05, 2011

Times of London uses Hanin Zoabi to represent Israel

I'll bet you don't visit the Times of London site anymore since they put up that awful paywall. I don't either. But fortunately, someone still gets the hard copy, because otherwise we might have missed this appalling example of media bias.
Dear Sirs

James Hider's full page article "Israel isolation grows as ambassador thrown out over blockade ship raid" is one of the most ignorant and biased reports ever written in the Times.

The main findings of the Palmer report, which the article is supposed to be about, were that Israel's naval blockade of Gaza was legal and that Turkey had colluded with a terrorist organisation - the IHH - to breach this legal blockade. Yet the article focuses on the one, relatively small, part of the Palmer report which is critical of Israel (it said Israeli commandos used "excessive and unacceptable force"). Having failed to either present the Israeli case or quote a single Israeli source anywhere else in the article, Hider ends with the following:
The report's finding that the blockade is legitimate was rejected by Hanin Zoabi of the Israeli parliament, who called for "those who sent the army to stop the flotilla [to] be brought before international tribunals"
What Hider fails to inform his readers is that Zoabi is an Arab member of Parliament who is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and who was actually on the Mavi Mamura with the Turkish IHH terrorists - an act which rightly got her suspended from Parliament.
Read the whole thing.

While this is one of the most blatant examples of this sort of bias that I have seen, it is unfortunately quite common for the media (and academia) to 'balance' reports and forums by taking 'Israeli representatives' who are anti-Israel.

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At 2:17 PM, Blogger Matt said...


You should read James Hider's book "The Spiders of Allah", which devotes the first and last chapters to rubbishing Israel and Zionism and accusing Israelis of stealing water.

The rest of the book is about Iraq, and quite good, but he has some sort of ideological hang-up about Israel.


At 5:43 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

How does she get away with showing cleavage like that? She is Arab Israeli; is she Muslim? If she gets her way, she won't be able to wear that outfit in public.

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

When are we going to start our book club? Matt looks like a potential member. Should I start a wordpress.com site and we can put each book title in as a post and then we can all comment on them? The thing I want is a comment system that tracks which comments I've already seen and which comments are new that I need to read. What do you guys think? More importantly, what does Mrs. Carl think?

At 6:44 PM, Blogger 935684 said...

Not just the Times. The BBC, on both television and radio, led with the "excessive force" quotation for several days. In retrospect, I think Shamir had an extremely accurate measure of the perfidious Brits.


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