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Monday, August 15, 2011

Video: PA's Nabil Shaath tells Lebanese TV PA state for Arabs, Israel for Arabs and Jews

Here's 'Palestinian Authority' foreign relations director Nabil Shaath telling Lebanese television that the 'Palestinian state' will be for Arabs only, while Israel will be for both Arabs and Jews, including 'refugees.'

I discussed this interview previously here, but did not have the video at the time.

Let's go to the videotape.

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At 6:34 AM, Blogger Ashan said...

Can someone on our side with the resources make a snappy video that can go viral about "Palestinian"/Arab apartheid?

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Chrysler 300M said...

this video must serve as an example of the arab intentions, so no false peace negotiations can be made

At 1:15 AM, Blogger Sunlight said...

The libs will refuse to believe that his means this. They will cluck and cluck and say, well, they won't get to get rid of Israel, so it doesn't matter what they say. And they don't mean that anyway.

Here's one I'd like to see go viral... The Economist, writing about Sudan as if history starts new every day. As if the Southern Sudanese are equally responsible for "squabbling" with the North. As if the rosy no-fault divorce "turns sour". OMG these media organization just lie and lie and lie. And they don't care who gets their heads cut off because the ones they lie about (in this case those wild and crazy northern Sudanese) are covered by the lies and can do more!! (If you haven't read Winston Churchill's River War about Sudan in 1898, read it! It has been going on for years and years. I hope Israel is working with them to figure out how to get their resources out to markets without having the N. Sudanese as gatekeepers.



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