Never let a crisis go to waste

Former Norwegian prime minister and current chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize committee Thorbjorn Jagland has said that, in response to the violent attacks, David Cameron and other European leaders should use a more ‘cautious’ approach when talking about multiculturalism.Those words were written by Melanie Phillips, the well-known (and charming - we've met in person at least twice) British columnist, who goes on to describe the hate mail she has received since being quoted in Breivik's manifesto. And she had but a small role to play there.
Cameron has said multiculturalism (the doctrine that gives the values of minorities equal status to those of the majority) has failed, and has also talked about ‘Islamist extremism’ as a cause of terrorism.
Jagland, however, said leaders would be ‘playing with fire’ if they continued to use rhetoric that could be exploited by extremists such as Breivik.
This is because Breivik’s so-called manifesto shows that he is violently against mass immigration, multiculturalism and Islamisation — and that he wants the forced repatriation of Muslims from Europe and the murder of all who have promoted multiculturalism.
But in Breivik’s 1,500-page diatribe, I was mentioned precisely twice. The first time was a quote from an article in this newspaper about family breakdown.And even if he had, it would not have been cause to blame Melanie for this man's actions.
The second was another article about the revelation by a former civil servant that the previous Labour government had kept the public in the dark about a covert policy of mass immigration.
Breivik made no mention of anything I had written about Muslims, Islamic terrorism or Islamisation.
But what's most frustrating about reading Melanie's piece (and please do read it all) is the knowledge that refuting every single charge against her is not going to change anything. She and others on the Right are going to continue to be blamed for 'provoking' Breivik, because the Left is seeking to use this crisis to promote their agenda in any way they can - the truth be damned.
In a way, the Left's behavior is emblematic of the age in which we live, in which no one is responsible for his own actions unless the powers that be decide he is responsible. The government of Norway, the Left-leaning mainstream media, and the European and American multiculturalists are all absolving Breivik of responsibility for his own actions, because they have bigger fish to fry.
And in the meantime, those behind the creeping Islamization of Europe are laughing all the way to the bank.
What could go wrong?
Labels: Anders Behring Brievik, Eurabia, Melanie Phillips, multiculturalism
Those words were written by Melanie Phillips, the well-known (and charming - we've met in person at least twice) British columnist, who goes on to describe the hate mail she has received since being quoted in Breivik's manifesto. And she had but a small role to play there.
Whatever nonsense Philips propogates doesn't represent British thinking. It's distorted, badly so. Even British Jews regard her as an embarrasment.
The Spectator (a right wing publication) had to get rid of her because of her incendiary views. That should tell you how out of touch she is. She belongs in the USA, with Geller, or in a Kahanist Israel. Not in Britain.
Please send her an Aliyah ticket, preferably a one way one.
Sooner or later, things are going to come to a head with all these Islamophobes. They all need to be given a one way ticket to Israel.
Whatever nonsense Muslima Chayma propogates doesn't represent intelligent thinking. It's distorted, badly so. Even left wing dhimmi Jews regard her as an embarrassment.
Chayma, what are you Progressives then going to do to non-Jewish "Islamophobes"? Since they aren't Jews whom you could theoretically violently extradite to Israel and since they are at their native countries (as are the Jews you are so readily forcing to escape, by the way), are you going to pack them to some concetration camp? Or will you place them to ghettos? Perhaps a yellow symbol of sorts to their arm?
Niko, i'm not progressive.
Since they aren't Jews whom you could theoretically violently extradite to Israel and since they are at their native countries (as are the Jews you are so readily forcing to escape, by the way), are you going to pack them to some concetration camp? Or will you place them to ghettos? Perhaps a yellow symbol of sorts to their arm?
The Islmaophobia industry is funded by far right Zionists. Aubrey Chernick primarily. He funds the Horowitz Foundations who has the whore Robert Spencer.
I have nothing against criticism of Islam. The non far right Zionists (not all Jews by the way) are not Islamophobic, they're either genuinely fearful, which means their problem is different, or they are anti religion, which means you cannot call them Islamophobes.
Islamophobia is an industry for those who have an agenda.
Do not pretend otherwise. I'm sure you are not that ignorant. If i were to ask you to bring me one non far right Zionist Islamophobe, you'd be struggling.
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