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Sunday, June 05, 2011

4 dead, 12 wounded in 'Naqsa day' violence on Syrian border

Syrian television is claiming four dead and 12 wounded in yet another attempt to breach the Syrian-Israeli border on the Golan Heights. The IDF is confirming the injuries but not the deaths.
Syrian television on Sunday reported that four people were killed and 10 injured along the Syria-Israel border in the Golan Heights near Majdal Shams, reportedly from IDF fire. The IDF spokesperson said that the only information it had on deaths on the border were Syrian reports and therefore, it could not confirm the number of people killed or if there were any deaths.

Two armed suspects were identified near the border fence in Kunetra, on the Syrian side of the border, the IDF Spokesman told The Jerusalem Post Sunday afternoon.

Prior to spotting the armed men, according to the IDF spokesperson, around 150 people managed to cross to the Syrian side of the fence, entering a mined zone between the two fences in the Majdal Shams area.

"We issued warnings for them to stop advancing. When they continued, we fired warning shots in the air," an IDF spokeswoman told The Jerusalem Post.

When the demonstrators continued toward the Israeli fence, they said, shots were fired at their lower bodies. "We know of 12 injuries," she added.

A second demonstration was observed on the Syrian border in Kunetra, where 200 to 300 demonstrators amassed. The IDF said there was no attempt to cross the border at that event, and no injuries were recorded

IDF forces were sending Arabic-language messages through loudspeakers over the border, warning that anyone approaching the fence would be killed.

Syrian television also reported that demonstrators were attempting to breach the fence at several other points in the Golan Heights, Channel 2 reported.
What the West doesn't understand is that the Arabs want people to be killed and wounded. They're using these people as cannon fodder and then they hope to use their deaths or injuries against Israel as propaganda.

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At 6:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

from Ynet:

IDF Spokesman Brigadier-General Yoav Mordechai said that "the Syrian government and military are [not] helpless to stop what is going on. I hope this is not an attempt by the Syrian regime to divert international attention from what in is going on in the country."


well duh.

meanwhile, 25 more Syrians shot by the Assad regime who actually are "protesters" and not jihadist rioters trying to barge through an international border to "retake the Golan". which event will get the attention and endless condemnations?


At 7:25 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Stupid Jews!

Is that how lightly they take their sovereignty? With kid gloves?

Its not sufficient to deter Arab aggression. But the restraint is not going to discourage future Arab attempts to infiltrate the borders.

What could go wrong indeed

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, yes. That's the entire point of nonviolent confrontation. The Palestinians were idiots for bringing arms to the confrontation, but they'll likely smarten up. Look at the Civil Rights Movement and the peaceful resistance aspects of the Indian Independence Movement. Many of their biggest propaganda (neutral term, as I am sympathetic to both movements) coups came from official overreaction. I am thinking especially of Bull Conner's dogs and fire hoses used against the protesters during Project C.

That said, I'm not sure Israel can win the optics war if the Palestinians as a whole figure out peaceful resistance. Of course, I doubt that Israel really cares about poor optics given the belief (true or not) that the world is against Israel anyway.

At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rocks, Molotov cocktails, occasional rifle fire is about as good as Palestinian "non violence" gets. There may be a fundamental misunderstanding in that Palestinians are not followers of Gandhi but of jihad, sometimes with rockets, sometimes hurling paving stones through windows, sometimes mutilating corpses, sometimes issuing press releases about "non violence" to credulous Western media. They do not wish to peacefully integrate with or within Israel in a renewed civil compact but to liquidate the Jewish state.




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