Hamas calls for 'freedom and democracy' in Syria

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal who lives in exile in Syria’s capital Damascus called on Monday for more democracy in Syria.What was Meshaal thinking when he said this?
“We want to see more stability, prosperity and a stronger government that responds to the people’s aspirations,” he told France 24 television.
” We want more freedom and democracy in order to serve the interests of the people and help strengthen the country against external aggression.” He added
Meshaal was speaking in Cairo after attending a ceremony hosted by Egypt that formally ended four years of strife between Hamas and its more secular Palestinian rival Fatah, an accord aimed at advancing the Palestinians’ goal of statehood in territories occupied by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war.
He urged the United States and the European Union to support the reconciliation deal.
Labels: Khaled Meshaal, Syrian repression, Syrian uprising
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