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Friday, March 04, 2011

Overnight music video

Some of you may have noticed that the posting was sporadic today (despite the times on the posts, there was actually a large bloc of time during which I didn't post).

Son # 5, child # 8 had his first grade siddur party today, at which he received his siddur from school. Unlike everyone else, he was allowed to take his siddur home today so that he can take it to synagogue tomorrow morning when he goes with me.

It was a bit of an emotional experience for me. The next offpsring's siddur party I am likely to attend is my oldest grandson's, God willing. He will be 3 in June.

This song by Baruch Levine was both sung by the school's choir and by the 1st graders, and my eyes kept tearing up as I sat with my 3rd and 6th grade sons, who were allowed out of class for the occasion.

Let's go to the videotape.

Nachas is hereditary - you get it from your kids. May all of you always have lots of nachas from your kids.

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At 7:49 AM, Blogger DrSavta said...

Mazal tov! Ken yirbu!!


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