Physicians for Human Rights calls for Amir's release from isolation

"Psychological damage caused by isolation will manifest in a number of ways," a Physicians for Human Rights statement said, "including difficulty sleeping, depression, irrational fears, psychotic episodes such as visual and auditory hallucinations, episodes of paranoia, the experience of distortions in time and space, confusion and cognitive difficulties."The excuse for keeping Amir in isolation is just that. The real reason the State wants to keep him in isolation is vengeance for the murder of 'peace.' And a fear that if he were not in isolation, he might retain his sanity and start telling the truth.
The organization rejected the state's claims that Amir must remain in isolation because his life would be in danger if he was kept in contact with other prisoners in the general prison population.
"Physicians for Human Rights calls upon representatives of the state to study other ways of dealing with the prisoner that will protect his person and his health. The state's solutions must negatively affect as little as possible the physical and psychological health of prisoners, including Yigal Amir," the organization said.
If you're wondering how the yefei ha'nefesh are taking this, here's Haaretz. (For starters, while JPost's headline referred to Yigal Amir, Haaretz's referred to 'Rabin's assassin').
The far-right Orthodox Amir pleaded guilty to killing Rabin, as he had opposed the prime minister's efforts to reach a peace deal with the Palestinians.There's a Supreme Court hearing on Amir's request to leave his isolation on Monday. Israel Radio reports that the State said it would release Amir from isolation if it could find an appropriate cell mate (how about his brother?). Amir said he had unfettered access to a phone for the first nine years that he was in prison and never incited anyone.
PHR said that the Israel Prison Service, which has systematically opposed ending Amir's solitary confinement, is aware of the ramifications for a person's mental state caused by this treatment.
It noted that following its appeal with the Israeli human rights organization the Center for the Defense of the Individual, a joint panel from the Prison Service and the Defense Ministry wrote in 1996 that solitary confinement had deep psychological impact.
Arguing for Amir to remain in isolation, the state claims that Amir could incite other prisoners, and that entering the prison population would constitute a threat on his life.
If I haven't made it clear enough in the past, there are videos showing Amir shooting Rabin (which I have posted), but what you see in the videos is contradicted by the hospital report. I believe that any decent criminal lawyer could have at least gotten Amir off on a reduced charge. But no such lawyer would agree to take his case at the time.
Given what the Left did to Margalit Har Shefi just a few weeks ago, I would bet on them fighting tooth and nail to keep Amir in isolation. You can bet that they will claim that there is no appropriate cell mate - among other things.
Labels: Margalit Har Shefi, Physicians for Human Rights, Yigal Amir, Yitzchak Rabin
This is the same Israeli Left that would be up in arms if Arab murderers were incarcerated in this way. But of course a Jew is held to a different standard.
That's just the way things are in Israel.
wonder why other than this group, no other far left hate israel group has demanded that amir be removed from isolation
but carl, you gotta stop with the conspiracy talk...amir killed rabin
Bacci, buy yourself a DVD.
This was an independent report, shown on Israel's Chanel 2 a few years ago. The press was astounded the next day. Then..... complete silence.
Carl's got it right. You don't. Someone's been lying here, for obvious reasons.
shy guy,
what do you say to the truthers who have no doubt that israel was behind 9/11? they have tons of dvds
Bacci, I would say that the vast majority of 9/11 "claims" have been refuted.
The material on this DVD has not. The reporter gained access to the Israel State Archives, where he pulled out Rabin's bloodied shirt with a bullet entrance hole in the front of it.
Go back and watch the Kempler video of the assassination.
Then watch the DVD and you'll see with the shirt front bullet hole cannot be an exit hole, according to the State prosecution's case.
There's a lot more, including false and revised coronary reports and x-rays, which do not jive with the evidence used to convict Amir.
Like I said, no one refuted this stuff. There were gasps nation-wide and then "let's change the subject" by Israel's papers, radio and TV.
Unlike the accusations against Barry Chamish, no one said a bad thing about reporter Naftali Glicksberg afterward except that he made waves.
IMO Chamish is a lot like Debka. They've hit or miss, mostly miss. But both strike hits every now and then. Suggested reading:
Lies, by Dr. David Morrison
Morrison is a very level headed guy. All he did was take Chamish's claims, follow them up and document their sources, mostly from the Israeli press, TV and government.
Sorry to burst your bubble. Normally, I'm a big skeptic on these things but I'm not willing to bury my head in the sand when confronted with blatant contradictions to official stories told by the police, court and government.
And no one denies the fact that Amir was "recruited" for the assassination by Avishai Raviv, a GSS (Shabak) agent employed as a right-wing inciter to defame the Likud (especially Netanyahu) and the right who were vehemently protesting against the Olso Accords.
Invest the 25 bucks and decide for yourself whether this is as batsh*t crazy as the 9/11 nonsense or whether you've just wisened up to something you couldn't previously imagine being true.
How's your Hebrew? If OK, you should get acquainted with a most level-headed man, Ben Gurion University Professor Aryeh Zaritsky.
I'll end with those famous words we Israelis heard on the night of the murder but this time from a source I'm sure you'll have more respect for her opinion than mine: Srak! Srak!
Bacci40 and Shy Guy,
To add to the debate....
I posted an analysis done by a friend I called Dr. Josh here. Dr. Josh grew up with me in the US and is a senior cardiologist at one of Israel's major medical centers (I can give you his contact information offline if you want it). I suggest that you read the analysis, because it's a medical analysis of why the hospital admission report and the autopsy contradict each other. He shows - as Shy Guy noted - that Rabin was shot in the chest. If you watch the Kempler video (which I posted here along with several other videos that were shot live that night), you will see clearly that Amir shoots Rabin in the back.
The most likely scenario is that the entire assassination was a staged event that went awry because the planners were not aware that shooting someone with blank bullets has physical consequences. That's what underlies Dr. Josh's post. Why would anyone want to stage Rabin's assassination? Go here to find out why.
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