'Palestinian' boycott of 'settlement products' a British idea

The Palestinian Authority deputy minister of the economy, Abdel Hafez Nofal, revealed that the British minister of trade had suggested to him that the PA institute a boycott of products of Israeli settlements, that is, products of any Israeli community or factory or plant across the 1949 armistice line from the pre-1967 Little Israel, the rump of the Jewish National Home territory left to the Jews after the War of Independence. So a British minister recently prodded the PA into ordering a boycott by its population of Jewish products made in the wrong place, that is, on the wrong side of the armistice line. To be sure, since Arab workers too work in many of the Jewish-owned plants, we could say that the products are also Arab in part. Here is the quote:Given their complicity in the Holocaust via the White Paper, I suppose we can't be too surprised.. . . Abdel Hafez Nofal, 56 years old, Palestinian deputy minister of the Economy. He is "Mr Boycott": "Everything started when the English minister of Trade said to me, 'We have decided to boycott the products of the settlements. And you?'"It is not fully clear whether, when the British minister said "We have decided. . .", that the "we" referred to the British or to the EU. In any case, it is likely that the UK took the lead in the EU in pushing for a boycott.
[Il Sole- 24 Ore, 22 October 2010; p12]
Labels: British anti-Semitism, Salam Fayyad, settlement product boycott, White Paper
The Euros are not enforcing their laws, are being polite and allowing deathly practices to take root and flourish. They will have fully returned to their historical world when they realize these things have gotten out of hand... instead of enforcing their laws while they can actually stop things, they wait and then they go wild and perpetrate a large death toll on the world.
There is no English Minister of Trade so exactly who is referred to?
so we British are enemies? complicit in holocaust? all of us? and here is me thinking plenty of us have supported Israel through thick and thin,in my families case for 3 generations now.
Also a believable "Palestinian" is a little hard to take.
Look at Richard Millett's sterling work at Ahava and elsewhere.
In 2008 the government started working towards a labelling system that would identify goods from the "West Bank". As far as I know BDS didn't start from the government. Selfridge's had it in 2001.
Some of us deliberately look for Israeli produce and products to buy. And support Israel in other ways.
Thud - of course the British are solid friends... the point is that giving in on boycotts (or in the case of the U.S., allowing murder and mayhem to spill over the southern border by not enforcing laws... or in the case of France, allowing car burnings, etc. every night for years) or other advocacy that is not the British way (or, in the case of some activities, are downright against your law), the entire enterprise sinks. It's not about you or me, it's about enforcing the laws on the books (including in the U.S.) so that we can keep making life (this lifetime on earth) better for more and more people.
The only people going to be hurt by a suggestion to harm Israel are the Arabs themselves.
Let them go for it! Europe is heading into the sunset of history. Which tells you just how much their "helpful" advice to the Arabs is truly worth.
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