The despicable Larry Derfner

ISRAEL’S CHAMPIONS in this affair are focusing on the Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque at Rachel’s Tomb, saying it didn’t exist until the 1990s, their point being that Rachel’s Tomb belongs to Jews and Jews alone.The reason it matters is that the Arabs deny any Jewish connection to this land. They claim we are interlopers who expelled the 'natives' from 'their' land. When the likes of UNESCO take a Jewish site like Rachel's tomb and turn it into a Muslim site, they are telling the world that the land belongs to the Muslims. The Jews? They were here centuries ago, say UNESCO, the 'Palestinians' and Larry Derfner. They're ancient history.
My point is this: Who cares when the Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque was built? If UNESCO is saying Rachel’s Tomb is holy to three religions, why do we have to insist that’s it’s only holy to one, to our religion?
And even if it’s true that the Palestinians only put up a mosque at Rachel’s Tomb to compete with the Jewish claim to the site, we Jews have been doing the same thing to them all over this country. Muslims destroyed Jewish synagogues and cemeteries? Israel destroyed Muslim mosques and cemeteries.
Read the whole thing.
Labels: Israel is a Jewish state, Larry Derfner, Machpeila cave, Rachel's tomb
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Tizku l'mitzvot!
I'm reminded of last week's Latma TV segment about the world being a mosque.
Larry Derfner has proven satire has nothing over real life, which is even more absurd.
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