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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Haaretz bows to Turkey

Haaretz is calling for Israel to apologize to Turkey for the flotilla incident.
Turkey does not have clean hands when it criticizes Israel over its policy. The character of Turkey's war against Kurdish militants is not different from Israel's war. Also, it is moving closer to Iran, and its close ties with Syria are suspicious not only to Israel. But Turkey and Israel have known how to have successful, close relations, even at times of political disagreement.

Now too, just as it seems the two countries are on the verge of breaking links, we have to overcome the obsession of prestige and make every effort to revive the ties from the ruins. After all, in Israel, too, the operation against the flotilla is not considered to have been a complete success. Moreover, the decision to stop the flotilla brought about the opposite result. Israel, under international pressure, had to ease the siege on Gaza.

It will not be disastrous if Israel expresses sorrow for the deaths of Turkish civilians, even if it does not offer an official apology and if it agrees to offer symbolic compensation to the families of the dead. The damage to the country that is being caused by clinging to matters of prestige is much more serious.
Reader Joshua I points out that this isn't about prestige.
The Haaretz editorialist thinks that it is all a matter of a sorry and a compensation! How naive and how ignorant of the Turkish mentality, he can be!!!

The Turkish government orchestrated the entire Gaza campaign to find a pre-text for breaking with Israel and the Haaretz editorialist is advising further dhimmitude!

The Turks do not want to have good relations with Israel; they believe they do not need Israel and its lobby in the US; they think that afterall the Lobby is not anymore of great use for the new Turkey they have created.

If Israel offers apology and compensation, it will be humiliated; Turkey will become the first country to publicly humiliate Israel! If Turkey defends its dignity, so does Israel. if Turkey has a justification, so does Israel.
Indeed. Recall Erdogan storming out of Davos nearly two years ago (pictured above), which Haaretz refers to as a 'watershed' without acknowledging that it was unprovoked. And the anti-Semitic movies on Turkish television indicate that the dispute between Israel and Turkey is about much more than honor or prestige.

No, Israel should not humiliate itself by apologizing to the Turks. It would only whet their appetite for more.

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At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, is Hareetz ever stupid. Do they think that Israel has not already expressed regret over the deaths? Do they think Turkey refused to participate in joint military exercises with the US and Israel nearly a year before Turkey's flotilla because of the flotilla? Do they think Turkey put Israel on it's list of greatest threats because of the flotilla? Do they think Turkey is cosy-ing up to Iran and Syria because of the flotilla?

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Alexander Maccabee said...

Dear Turkey,

We are sorry we did not kill all of the IHH militants and their ilk. In retrospect it would have been more practical to simply have torpedoed your ship... what a "nakba" that innocent IDF troops were injured! We are sure this weighs heavily on your hell destined souls.


At 2:04 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Haaretz does not represent the views of mainstream Israelis.

And no - Israel definitely should NOT apologize to the Turks for exercising its legitimate right of self-defense. No one, contra Haaretz, forced the Turks to put their citizens in harm's way.

The last thing on earth Israel should do is admit it did something wrong when it acted in a justifiable manner to save the lives of its soldiers and to protect its highest state interests.

Haaretz can go to hell.


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