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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Nusseibeh: Let Obama propose a solution and the people vote on it

Sari Nusseibeh, who is the President of al-Quds University, is one of the few 'Palestinians' who might (emphasis on might) believe in a two-state solution, at least as a temporary measure. He has come up with a plan to force feed such a solution to us.
Al Quds University President Sari Nusseibeh, a longtime proponent of a two-state solution, says he recommended to President Barack Obama that the United States introduce a "vision" for a deal that would be put to a plebiscite vote for Israelis and an electoral vote for Palestinians. "So if the Israelis are asking for a two-state solution on such-and-such basis, they could say, 'Yes, if the Palestinians say yes,' and likewise in the other direction." He believes the populations on both sides would support a two-state plan presented by the United States, although he sees such a move--or any progress at all--as unlikely in the current climate. However, he adds, if there is no forward movement, Palestinians should press to be absorbed into Israel, where even if they do not have the right to vote, they would otherwise have full civil rights "so they could actually live freely, travel freely, work freely, have the rights that humans beings are entitled to have under any kind of system of democracy government."
That excerpt is actually a summary of a much longer interview with Nusseibeh that appears at the URL I linked above. Why won't this work? Let me count the ways....

1. Obama doesn't know enough about the region to propose a workable solution.

2. If what Obama proposes is enough to satisfy the 'Palestinians,' the Israelis will vote against. After four years of intifada and 8,000 rockets from Gaza, there are very few people here who would vote for anything close to what Ehud Barak offered Yasser Arafat in 2000 (which the 'Palestinians' turned down because it wasn't enough!). When Ehud Olmert made his offer to Abu Mazen in 2008, Abu Mazen should have taken it, because he will never see an offer like that again from Israel.

3. If what Obama proposes satisfies Israel (and probably even if it doesn't), the 'Palestinians' will vote against it. Survey after survey shows that it's not just the leadership that's unwilling to compromise - it's the 'Palestinian people.' Any solution with an end of conflict clause, with no 'right of return,' and with less than 100% of Judea, Samaria and 'east' Jerusalem going to the 'Palestinians' is not going to be enough. Perhaps the 'Palestinians' would have made some small territorial compromise two years ago. But since Obama decided to be more 'Palestinian' than the 'Palestinians' by insisting on a 'settlement freeze' in all of Judea, Samaria and 'east' Jerusalem, they're not going to compromise any more.

4. There is no way a fair election will be held in Gaza under Hamas rule.

5. As to the notion of granting the 'Palestinians' civil rights, any solution that allows them to travel freely without being searched is an invitation for another suicide bombing campaign. There is no way Israel can agree to that.

Anyone need any more reasons this won't work? Read the whole thing.

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At 10:32 PM, Blogger Findalis said...

How about this solution:

The Palestinians (Or whatever you want to call yourselves.) get the US states of New Jersey and Michigan (2 States), immediately dissolve UNRWA and start making an honest living.

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Alexander Maccabee said...

How about this solution:

'Palestinians' get a small sliver of Antarctica. Mosque on ice!

At 2:00 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Give the Palestinian Arabs a state in Jordan. They can exercise their political and civil rights there.

And leave Israel as the Jewish homeland.


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