There he goes again

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rejected Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's talk about an "historic compromise" and said there would be no compromises on core issues such as Jerusalem and borders.And yet Abu Mzaen keeps insisting on the 'Palestinian state' being Judenrein, even rejecting the possibility of Jewish soldiers serving as part of a 'peacekeeping force.' Shouldn't sauce for the goose be sauce for the gander? Why the double standard?
Abbas also reiterated his rejection of Netanyahu's demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state. "We're not talking about a Jewish state and we won't talk about one," Abbas said in an interview with the semi-official Al-Quds newspaper. "For us, there is the state of Israel and we won't recognize Israel as a Jewish state."
Abbas said that in recent meetings with leaders of the Jewish community in the US, he made it clear that the Palestinians would not recognize Israel as a Jewish state. "I told them that this is their business and that they are free to call themselves whatever they want," Abbas said. "But [I told them] you can't expect us to accept this."
Abbas said that by raising the issue of Israel's right to be a Jewish state, Netanyahu was seeking to "strip" Israeli-Arabs of their rights and turn them into illegal citizens. He said that Netanyahu's goal was also to block any chance of Palestinian "refugees" from returning to their original homes inside Israel.
It's a shame that there is no leader in the West with the you-know-what's to tell Abu Bluff that he's free to walk away whenever he chooses, at which point Israel will be free to do whatever it wants in Judea and Samaria. It's long past the time that this spoiled brat ought to be shut up.
Its time Israel told Abu Bluff, either come prepared to negotiate in good faith or go take a hike.
There is no reason in the world Israel has to accommodate his three year old temper tantrums. When he is ready to be an adult, there can be progress.
Until then, fudgitabout it!
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