Suspicious Arabs to be barred from Rami Levy

So much for
cooperation between Jews and Arabs at the workplace. Or at least for some of that cooperation. Gush Etzion Jews plan to
bar suspicious Arabs from shopping at the Rami Levy store in their area.
Residents of the Gush Etzion and Hevron Hills Jewish communities south of Jerusalem have sent a letter to Rami Levi, saying they will keep suspicious Arabs from entering his supermarket at the Gush Etzion Junction, in the wake of last week's terror attack in which four residents of Beit Hagai were murdered and two were wounded.
The letter says the residents will post a guard at the entrance to the store who will be stricter regarding who gets in, noting recent clashes at the store between Jews and Arabs. The authors of the letter say they do have nothing against a Jew making a living, except at the expense of security for Jews.
I would have thought that
suspicious Arabs were being barred all along. Hmmm.
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