Moonbats to send plane to Gaza?

The California-based "Free Palestine Movement" has announced that it plans to send an airplane filled with aid to Gaza, Channel 2 news reported Sunday.I would say that the odds of the IDF letting a plane through are less than none. And where do they think they would land? Yasser Arafat International Airport was completely destroyed by the IDF in December 2001 (in retaliation for a terror attack against airport workers - see the picture at the top).
According to the organizations website activists plan to "challenge the Israeli blockade of Gaza by air."
The organization reportedly plans to break the blockade by entering Gaza air space without flying over Israeli or Egyptian territory.
The success of the planned trip depends on showing that the group does not present any military threat, the organization's website claimed.
The purpose of the trip is to send communication equipment to Gaza, Channel 2 reported.
The airline was grounded in October 2000 following the start of the Al-Aqsa Intifada and was forced to move to El Arish International Airport in December 2001, after destruction by Israeli military forces. of the runway at its previous base, Yasser Arafat International Airport, where it operated limited services.And then last month the 'Palestinians' themselves destroyed the airport completely. Let's go to the videotape.
On December 12th 2001 GZA was bombed by the Israeli army, which warplanes hit the control tower. In January 10th 2002, the 60 million USD runway was competely destroyed by the Israeli army, shattering hopes for the resumption of flights to the airport in the forseeable future.
So where do these people think they're going to land?
By the way, where did all those stones come from for the Gaza mall and the luxury hotels and restaurants? Were those UN projects? Hmmmm.
Put on your thinking cap.
They may need a seaplane.
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