Obama's Obsession

U.S. President Barack Obama is very pleased with the outcome of the Washington summit and plans to play a personal role to move the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians forward, a senior U.S. official told Haaretz over the weekend.I'll bet a lot of Americans (especially Democrats) wish Obama had invested in the US economy and in creating jobs for Americans this way. For that matter, so do a lot of Israelis.
The senior official said Obama had cleared his entire schedule last Wednesday to devote himself to the summit. "He never invested in any other issue this way," the official said.
But unfortunately, as I have been warning since 2007, Obama's obsession is with creating a terror state for the 'Palestinians' of his friend Rashid Khalidi.
What could go wrong?
Rashid Khalidi, that reminds me that the LA Times has had a video from before the election of obama at a party for kalidi, that they refuse to let anyone see. It is amazing not only that a news org. would have something like that and not show it, but also report that they have it and aren't going to show it, because it could hurt obama's chances of being elected. That should be criminal.
I'll have to take your word for it.......I haven't read Ha'aretz in years. If i wanted their perspective, I'd just read The Guardian, or maybe Ma'an
to me it's like a ride that goes round and round. hopefully soon there will be a light at the end of the tunnel
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