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Sunday, September 26, 2010

'Human Rights Council' probe calls for prosecuting Israel over the Mavi Marmara

There was no reason to expect this probe to turn out otherwise. The UN 'Human Rights Council' has once again condemned Israel for the raid on the Mavi Marmara and has called for the prosecution of those involved in the raid.
The report termed Israel's response to the attempt to defy its blockade of Hamas “disproportionate and brutal,” and suggested that Israel be prosecuted for “willful killing.” The report accused Israel of “a series of violations of international law.”

UNHRC-appointed panel members also questioned Israel's right to impose a naval blockade on Hamas, saying residents of Hamas-controlled Gaza should be allowed to import by sea as well as by land. Israel has refused to allow imports by sea due to the lack of oversight over such imports, which could allow Hamas to import weapons.


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's office released a statement terming the UNHRC report “tendentious” and “distorted.” The UNHRC is a group “most of whose decisions are based on an obsessive persecution of Israel,” the statement said.

Videos showing passengers on the Mavi Marmara ambushing IDF soldiers and violently attacking them as they came aboard are widely available for viewing, the statement noted. However, it went on, “this did not prevent the committee from ignoring the facts and drawing false, predetermined conclusions.”

Major-General Giora Eiland, who led the IDF probe into the flotilla incident, slammed the UNHRC report as biased and flawed. He proposed that Israel prepare a legal defense detailing the events aboard the Mavi Marmara.
What could go wrong?


At 5:38 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Israel's doesn't owe the UN a justification for its lawful right of self-defense.

Israel should stop acting like it did something wrong.

Its time to tell the UN to put up and shut up!


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