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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Even Krauthammer doesn't get it?

Many Right-wing bloggers (including yours truly) quote him and link him all the time, but does Charles Krauthammer get it about Israel? After this column from Friday's Washington Post, Daniel Friedman argues that even erstwhile Israel defender Charles Krauthammer doesn't get it (Hat Tip: Shy Guy).
Krauthammer must think he's Moses because our hero goes on to dismiss any alternatives with a sweep of his hand. "The Israeli left, mugged by reality, is now moribund. And the Israeli right is chastened. No serious player believes it can hang on forever to the West Bank." Then, assuming a more totalitarian persona, he warn us and the Israelis that resistance to Obama's final solution is futile.. "Might they not resist? Some tried that during the Gaza withdrawal, clinging to synagogue rooftops. What happened? Jewish soldiers pulled them down and took them away." Israel's proudest moment, and since he supported the debacle known as "disengagement, and still does, it must be Krauthammer's too.

Alas, in Krauthammer's parallel universe the stars are all aligned for peace, save one. "The obstacle today, as always, is Palestinian refusal to accept a Jewish state." If only those pesky "Palestinians" would just read from the script... But of course, they won't. Never have, never will. Which brings me to the question I always put to the Krauthammers and the other "friends of Israel" who are waiting for Godot. Is there any limit to your patience with the Arabs? What will it take before you abandon the "land for peace" illusion and its "Palestinian state" solution? Feel free to express your answer as a timeframe or a Jewish body count. Funny, they never get back to me.
Read the whole thing.


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