Hottest day on record
The biggest story in Israel today is actually the weather. Here's a list of the expected temperatures in various locations in Israel on Friday, which is predicted to be the peak of the current heat wave (Hat Tip: The Beguiling Avigayil).

What's unsaid here is that many Jerusalemites, including yours truly, do not have air conditioning. The normal high in Jerusalem at this time of year is 29 degrees Celsius (about 85 Fahrenheit) and the normal low is somewhere around 20 degrees Celsius (68 Fahrenheit) and we normally have strong breezes at night. We usually get along just fine with our ceiling fans. Not this summer.
Lots of our neighbors have caved in and installed air conditioning this summer (in addition to the initial cost, it's quite expensive to run). If you all hit the tip jar, I'll consider it too :-)
At least in Jerusalem, it's not humid. Tel Aviv is like being in a sauna on a day like this. Much more uncomfortable.
No AC, Carl?????
I'll say Tehilim for you.
I noted that the temperature outside this morning at 8AM started at 29. We're used to 17-18 after a normal Jerusalem summer night.
Hashem Yerachem.
Yes Carl,
At least in Jerusalem, it's not humid. Tel Aviv is like being in a sauna on a day like this. Much more uncomfortable.
You are right on the target, last year when I was in tel Aviv has a lot more humidity in comparison with old city. You sweat like you just came out of hot shower, at least thats how i felt.
Shabbat Shalom
I borrowed a house for Shabbat from a neighbor who went away. I'm going to pay him for the cost of running the AC all Shabbos. Worth every agarah.
Hummid is not the word, but HUMMID. For the first time in months, I forwent walking on friday. Didn't help too much, was sweating sitting still.....Today was better....
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