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Sunday, August 08, 2010

What is that "idea that has corrupted a religion"?

We all know that the Obama administration has banned the use of terms like 'Islamic terrorism' and jihad in a bid to further the delusion foisted upon us by Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush (let's give credit where it's due) that Islam is a 'religion of peace.'

That left White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs trying to perform a bit of verbal acrobatics last week:
The other day the White House Press Aide Mr. Gibbs described the American effort in the Islamic world as trying to cope with, or to fight, not Islam, not even "those who support Jihad," but rather, "an idea that has corrupted a religion." The religion was not given a name, but you are free to guess. And this bland formula was one more variant on the earlier, Bush-era business about those who had "hijacked a great religion." And it is an improvement, I suppose, on this business of merely describing Islamic jihadists as "violent extremists" who somehow misinterpret their own faith.
Hugh Fitzgerald rips Gibbs, Gibbs' boss, and anyone else who would try to fool us about the true nature of Islam some new body parts.

Read the whole thing.


At 1:16 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Its like no one during the Cold War could have mentioned Communist atrocities by name.

We're forbidden by political correctness from naming the ideological heir to Communism - Islam - that poses the threat today to freedom and to Western values.

Its the Islam, stupid.


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