Abu Mazen disses Obama again

President Obama would like to send Special US Middle East envoy George Mitchell to the region next week to get direct talks going between Israel and the 'Palestinians.' There's just one problem:
'Moderate' '
Palestinian' President
Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen won't show up.
PA President Mahmoud Abbas rejected on Monday a request by the US to set a date for moving to direct peace negotiations with Israel without preconditions.
The request was presented to Abbas during a meeting that was held between him and David Hale, Deputy to US Middle East Peace Envoy George Mitchell. According to senior PLO official Wassel Abu Yousef, “President Abbas informed Hale that he rejects setting any dates or appointments and reaffirmed the Palestinian position that settlement must be halted and a peace preference has to be defined before moving to direct negotiations."
An official announcement by the PLO executive committee added that the organization continues to demand that a peace reference be defined and the construction in Judea and Samaria come to a halt before any direct talks occur.
Heh. I'd say that if it doesn't start by Labor Day the freeze is over and no one will try again before January.
Obama has agreed to assist the Palestinians in obtaining observer status at the World Trade Organization.
With all these unilateral concessions from Obama, Abu Bluff has nothing to fear by remaining intransigent.
He certainly can count on Obama never placing real pressure on him to come to the table or to even criticize the PA.
And as for talking to Israel, what's the hurry? Life is good, very good indeed!
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