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Monday, June 14, 2010

Someone else who can't take "no" for an answer

It's not just President Obumbler who can't take "no" for an answer from the Iranians. It's the Europeans too.
EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton has written to Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili inviting him to talks as Europe plans new sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear programme.

"I have written to Mr Jalili... inviting him to meet with me to now discuss nuclear weapons issues and to take forward the twin-track approach," the carrot of dialogue and the stick of sanctions, Ashton said as she arrived for talks in Luxembourg with EU foreign ministers.

Tehran has long said that it accepts in principle to hold such a meeting between Jalili and Ashton.

Ashton wrote her letter as the European Union considers going further than the new sanctions meted out on Iran by the UN Security Council, particularly in the key sector of the oil industry, with prohibition of new investment, transfers of technologies, equipment and services.

The assembled EU ministers were set to agree Monday on exactly what areas should be hit, so that EU heads of state and government can formally endorse them at a summit in Brussels on Thursday.

The details would then be decided in July.
Watch Iran milk this one for another few months of time.

What could go wrong?


At 8:41 PM, Blogger nomatter said...

LOL, oil is thicker than water. It is certainly thicker than truth itself. ...And when it comes to Jews, ever see someone stomp on a roach?

Bottom line, all the crap we take on a daily basis from the EU is because one certain U.S. President thought to have been a 'best friend' thought it would be good (for the Saudi's and all whom they represent,a holocaust denier who needed boosting, the war on terror, war in Iraq and most of all for for appeasement purposes) to invite the EU to sit on his U.S formulated Quartet for Peace. Failed 'diplomacy,' you bet your life!! (which to all members of the U.S. led quartet for peace and all whom they represent and appease, your life, not worth a dime.

Shh, we are still not speaking out loud on that debacle. However we will continue "paying" for it for a long time to come.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Juniper in the Desert said...

That grotesque old wormhead!

At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's Helen Thomas 30 years ago. How did they do that?!

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Chrysler 300M said...

sanctions are decided:

EU bereidt extra sancties tegen Iran voor
LUXEMBURG - De Europese Unie gaat een breed pakket aan extra sancties tegen Iran voorbereiden. Demissionair minister Maxime Verhagen (Buitenlandse Zaken) en zijn collega's van de 26 andere EU-landen zijn het daarover maandag eens geworden.

Maxime Verhagen.
De sancties betreffen handel, transport, financiën en energie. Doel is dat ze vooral het regime treffen. „We willen de bevolking zo min mogelijk raken. De bevolking heeft al te maken met intimidatie door het regime”, aldus Verhagen na het EU-beraad.

Verhagen stelde dat duidelijk is dat Iran zich blijft onttrekken aan de verplichtingen om opheldering te geven over het nucleaire programma. „Het Iraanse besluit om uranium te verrijken tot 20 procent heeft onze zorg nog versterkt”, aldus de minister.

Formeel zullen regeringsleiders van de 27 EU-landen donderdag de ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken vragen om de nieuwe sancties voor te bereiden. Dat sluit aan bij een recente resolutie van de Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties.


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