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Thursday, June 17, 2010

'Pro-Israel' group working against Congressional letters

Earlier, I reported that nearly three quarters of the members of Congress have signed on to letters supporting Israel in its battle with certain members of the 'international community' over the flotilla of fools and the Gaza 'blockade' generally.

But there is one 'pro-Israel' group that has arrogantly decided that it knows better than anyone what is best for Israel, and that Israel should be hung out to dry over the flotilla incident. So it is going around trying to convince members of Congress not to sign on to the Reid - McConnell or Poe - Peters letters. Can you guess which group that is? Of course you can.
In the most open conflict in months between the left-leaning Israel group J Street and the traditional pro-Israel powerhouse AIPAC, the liberal group is asking members of Congress not to sign a letter backed by AIPAC that supports the Israeli side of the Gaza flotilla incident.

J Street president Jeremy Ben-Ami writes that the AIPAC letter "fail[s] to address the impact of the present closure of Gaza on the civilian population, the deep American interest in resolving this conflict diplomatically, or the urgency of moving forward with diplomacy before it is too late."

His letter is silent on the actual substance of AIPAC's defense of Israel's actions.
You can read the full letter here.

Whose side is J Street on, as Congressman Mike Pence (R-Ind) asked of President Obama last week? I'm not sure whose side J Street is on, but I am quite sure whose side they are not on: Israel's.


At 12:20 AM, Blogger Juniper in the Desert said...

I wont read it because I dont want to throw up!

At 12:44 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

J-Street is neither pro Israel nor pro peace. But we've known that already for awhile now.


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