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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Three quarters of Congress signed on to letters defending Israel

Some three quarters of Congress has signed on to letters defending Israel from attacks on its actions in dealing with the flotilla of fools.
The pro-Israel group AIPAC has succeeded lately in getting the signatures of some three-quarters of the members of Congress on letters broadly in support of Israel, and its latest effort involves rallying explicit Congressional support for Israel's side of the Gaza flotilla incident.

The latest letter, whose first signers are Texas Republican Ted Poe and Michigan Democrat Gary Peters, calls on President Obama Obama to "unequivocally reiterate that ht eUnited States stands behind its longtime friend and ally" and to block any condemnation or investigation at the United Nations.

"Israeli forces used necessary force as an act of self-defense and of last resort," says the letter, labeling the passengers who battled the Israeli commandos "extremists who sought to aid the Iran-backed terrorist Hamas regime."
Jennifer Rubin reports that the Poe-Peters letter is a vast improvement over the Reid-McConnell letter which is its Senate counterpart.


At 8:38 PM, Blogger nomatter said...

"unequivocally reiterate that the United States stands behind its longtime friend and ally"

See the bottom line is not that Israel should have a free pass for every real democracy in the world is subject to criticism.

The letter should be about obstruction of truth.

Israel is more then a good friend and ally. Goodness, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and others are given that same warm fuzzy when in fact their actions prove otherwise.

In a political season anyone will say anything except to go all the way and really say exactly why Israel is a good friend and ally. In a political season who is really willing to expend political treasure to really call a spade a spade?

And what caused Israel to become the pariah of the world when everyone turns a blind eye to true brutal regimes beyond inherent antisemitism? Political treasure.

If any politician dares break through the political deadlock of lies and is willing to do anything to expose it, that is what will bring me back to the voting machine.

Truth always prevails. It just takes real live humans in high places to act it and then not stop until it is completely understood. (no matter what the cost)


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