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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Video: The politics of deceit (ad)

Here's an ad from an organization called KeepIsraelSafe.com that rips President Obama's entire approach to Israel and the Middle East. This is quite well done and deserves lots of exposure.

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Jennifer Rubin)


At 9:42 PM, Blogger Captain.H said...

Speaking of things media, here's a genuine flying-pigs moment, courtesy of Breitbart.com News.

On a lefty talk show panel, media lefty icon Bill Maher actually criticizes most of the US MSM as "way too stupid to understand the issues, so they support Palestine." Needless to say, he got no applause for that un-PC remark.


At 10:25 PM, Blogger nomatter said...

Great video. As most of them do, it made me cry.

I ask the producers of this video a few questions. Where was your voice or your video or you outcries the 3rd time Bush axed the embassy act, acting against the campaign promise he made on the campaign trail and at AIPAC that upon his first week of office he would sign in the embassy act? Where was the video when he axed it for the 8th of final time while at the same time renewing the lease for the office of the PLO in NY?

Where was your voice when the House of Saud publicly applauded Bush each time he declined from signing on the important dotted line?

Where was your outrage when on the important celebration of the Anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem Bush sought to not send even the lowest level representative of his administration? What did that tell you? Again, the house of Saud applauded.

We lost a golden opportunity to seal Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel because of POLITICAL CAPITAL!!!

We all hate OBAMA for what he is doing to Israel and rightly so. The difference between you and me however is that I know what they all say to get us to vote for them. I also know once elected they drop us like an infected black sheep who has been used and abused over and over again.

If the cries of foul play were screamed by the hierarchy of the Republic party and the majority of their supporters when our 'best friend' was in office, I too would be on your bandwagon on this day.
But the words, "take good care of Olmert" by George W. Bush will not stop ringing from my ears.

At 11:22 PM, Blogger Carl in Jerusalem said...


I ran the Maher video on Monday here:


At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a dishonest video

point to one un resolution led by the united states that condemned israel

and the united states supported israel doing its own investigation of the mavi marmara...

come on carl...you can do better


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