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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Hamas refusing flotilla supplies

The IDF has offloaded the supplies from the flotilla of fools with which it clashed on Monday, and as promised, has put the supplies on trucks and sent them to Gaza. But Hamas is not letting the trucks unload.
The IDF Spokesman's Office reports that Israel has loaded 20 trucks with various types of aid found onboard the flotilla but the Hamas is refusing to accept it.

"Unfortunately, the Hamas terror organization is unwilling to accept the cargo and the trucks filled with humanitarian aid have not been allowed to enter the Gaza Strip. It appears that Hamas is in fact stopping the transfer of the humanitarian aid."

Expired medication, clothing, blankets, some medical equipment and toys were also among the aid found on the ships.
Maybe Hamas doesn't need all those things. Maybe what they really needed was the weapons found on board and the opening of a shipping passage into Gaza from the Mediterranean.



At 12:09 AM, Blogger nomatter said...

"Maybe Hamas doesn't need all those things. Maybe what they really needed was the weapons found on board and the opening of a shipping passage into Gaza from the Mediterranean."

And don't think for one split second the powers that be are/were unaware of those facts.

Hamas is who they are in part because of the enablers of the world whose endeavor (whether they know it or not) find Jews ripe for scapegoating/terrorizing.

The US while only using back channels via smoke and mirrors to be in touch with Hamas, shun them in the open. Big deal. They should have been obliterated off the face of the earth the same way the US in their pussyfooting way wiped out other terrorists. But no, Israel was pushed to get out of Gaza no matter who admits it or not. Pushed to get out knowing the consequences to Israel that one day "the Palestinian state must be viable, contiguous and not resembling Swiss Cheese." So tell me the powers that be had no idea one day down the road, Gaza would have to connect up with the WB or stand accused of blockading those who now refuse humanitarian aid. Tell me the powers that be had no idea Hamas would get more clever in their drive to throw Israel to the sea. But wait, the war on terror must be waged and the pooor Palestinians "face daily humiliation."

The war on terror was never Israels' war on terror. Following the most bloody savage intifada ever the train for Palestinian statehood left speeding out of the station with a handpicked US led quartet for peace, making sure the train never stopped and that Israel would take a beating at every move to be shown on the stage of the world. The hypocrisy of that war on terror Israel now pays dearly for. Just like those who gave their lives to liberate the phony democracy of Iraq.

Whatever is good for a Jew is not ever in the best interests of the powers that be. Bingo! Bush axes the embassy act 8 bloody times and no one can bring themselves to say REALLY why. 9 years down the road and our feet firmly to the fire due to the road Bush paved for enter Obama the Jew Hater extraordinaire.

Still wonder how and why we so easily get duped? Still wonder why Hamas wins the hearts and minds of the world while the Kurds go begging while the Jews get marched off again?

Trust must be earned by matching words with actual deeds. Let the world know a Jew will never trust anyone again that in the Torah it states for good reason, "we stand alone." We must never trust not from our own camp or political persuasion.

At 1:34 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

The Stupid Jews should thank Hamas for not accepting their misplaced kindness.

What kind of schlemiels would give a sworn enemy humanitarian aid?

What could go wrong indeed


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