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Sunday, May 09, 2010

The real reason why Jews are liberals

Rabbi Yonason Goldson (whom, I will admit, I had never heard of before reading this article), nails the answer to the question Norman Podhoretz asked last September: Why are Jews liberals?
The corruption of modern liberalism is evident across the spectrum of political ideology. The sanctity of life has devolved into the rejection of capital punishment while simultaneously negating both the value and the rights of the unborn. The dignity of human person has been distorted to support euthanasia for both unwanted infants and the elderly infirm. Equality before the law has become a bludgeon in the hands of criminals and a straightjacket to constrain victims. Collective conscience has become the underpinning of nonjudgmentalism, whereby every form of perversion gains acceptance as an "alternative lifestyle." The notion of divinity has vanished altogether, replaced by the self-worship of secular humanism.

Oblivious to these resounding contradictions, secular Jews have rallied to modern liberalism under the banner of tikkun olam, literally "the rectification of the world." In its new, common usage, however, tikkun olam means something very different from what it meant when the concept was first articulated over 32 centuries ago.


Advocacy for saving the rainforests and for saving the whales, for developing renewable resources and for leaving a smaller carbon footprint — these are just some of the enterprises gathered by pop-Jewish philosophy under the umbrella of tikkun olam. According to the ancient wisdom of the Torah, however, every human being is a microcosm of Creation, a world — or olam — unto himself. Yes, it is important for human beings to act as responsible custodians of the Almighty's world, but the rectification of the universe is a process that ultimately begins and ends within oneself.

How does an individual repair himself and thereby bring his world a step closer to perfection? By cultivating moral behavior and spiritual sensitivity based upon traditional values through acts of kindness, charity, and spiritual self-discipline. When I change myself, I change the world around me, and I do so far more substantially than by trying to change others while I remain the same. My own mandate to repair the world rests upon me alone and can be delegated to no one else.

Modern liberalism has adopted the belief that change depends upon governmental and judicial activism. Ironically, by shifting responsibility for social justice from the individual to the state, modern liberals have abdicated their own responsibility to address the very injustices they yearn to change. And with the abdication of social responsibility, it requires only a short step before even the most basic moral and spiritual axioms are similarly discarded. Finally, with no moral compass to guide it, modern liberalism has embraced the amorality of ancient Greece and the bacchanalia of ancient Rome not only as lifestyles but as models in the image of which contemporary society should be remade.
Read the whole thing. It's superb.


At 10:05 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Carl - Jews have backslid into paganism. And we wonder why the Ten Tribes of Northern Israel disappeared forever? They refused to heed G-d's warnings to abandon the worship of other gods and to return to Him and walk in His ways. To be sure, the Assyrians were cruel and savage but the did not destroy the Israelites. The Israelites destroyed themselves. A similar fate awaits American Jewry. History has given us advance warning the abandonment of Jewish identity and faith will come to no good end. Liberalism will not assure the future of the Jews in America.


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