Haaretz reporter turning over classified documents

Attorneys for Haaretz reporter Uri Blau told the media last night that they were in the process of turning over to the Tel Aviv District Attorney some
2,000 stolen classified documents that Blau received from IDF soldier Anat Kam, who has been under house arrest for the last five months. An arrangement to allow Blau to return to Israel from his London hideout is still being negotiated.
The reporter's attorneys, Mibi Mozer and Tali Lieblich, met with the Tel Aviv district attorney and the prosecutor charged with the case on Monday night and began handing over the sought-after information.
The process of handing the copies to prosecutors was expected to last several days, and the two sides were still in negotiation over a solution that would enable Blau to return to Israel from London.
Last month, Mozer told The Jerusalem Post that negotiations between the army and Blau broke down after the army demanded that the reporter hand over all the documents he had received throughout his journalistic career. Blau worked for Ha’ir, a Tel Aviv weekly owned by Haaretz, before moving to the parent paper.
Mozer said that during the negotiations, the army also insisted on arresting and questioning Blau and putting him on trial for possession of classified material.
I don't see how they could NOT question him. That would be insane.
Waterboarding is too good for him!
Speaking of treason - since Carl speaks Hebrew, he may want to look at an article in "The Marker." According to Steven Plaut, in one of those wonderful crazy Alice In Wonderland things that can only happen in Israel, it seems that Azmi Bishara (yup, that upstanding patriot in hiding) will get to collect NIS 200,000 in severance pay for leaving the Knesset.
"Ok, I realize most of you think I make up these stories, since they could not possibly be for real. And the few of you who still think the stories I report are true are going to have your doubts when I tell you THIS one!"
"You all may recall Azmi Bishara, the Arab pro-terror Knesset Member who is now in hiding because he is wanted by Israel for treason and espionage? Bishara was passing on to the Hezb'Allah intelligence during the 2006 rocket attacks against me and against the rest of Northern Israel, helping the terrorists aim their rockets at us."
"Well, Israel is about to give Bishara about 200,000 NIS in severance pay for having left the Knesset. For the average Israeli, that is about three years worth of salary. Knesset members get special one-time allotments to assist them with the difficult transition from paid idleness to the non-parliamentary way of life."
"The news story in Hebrew appears here: http://www.themarker.com/tmc/article.jhtml?ElementId=skira20070605_867214"
"The Knesset mavens insist there is no legal way for Israel NOT to pay the traitor Bishara his severance pay. This payment can be added to those survivorship benefits that Israel's National Insurance Institute (like Social Security) pays to the family members of dead Arab terrorists for Darwin Awards or in case you are collecting Guiness Records of human stupidity."
Only Israel's government is so stupid as to remunerate traitors and pay the families of dead Arab terrorists survivor benefits. Yes, treason does pay in Israel and no doubt Bishara is laughing all the way to the bank at the largesse the Stupid Jews are showering on him!
There's more of the fiction is truth here: Read it all
The Jewish Twilight Zone, indeed
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