Andrew Sullivan and John Mearsheimer

Andrew Sullivan has his lips so firmly ensconced in John Mearsheimer's butt that he makes yet another gross misstatement of fact that favors the 'Palestinian' claims.
In the midst of a post in which he cites Mearsheimer uncritically and laments the coming of an 'apartheid' state of Israel, Sullivan writes:
It makes for a depressingly convincing read. The Palestinians remain too divided to deliver much in the time period necessary (soon); the Israeli government, whatever it says, is obviously committed to controlling all of the West Bank and all of Jerusalem indefinitely; the US Congress does what AIPAC tells it to and will prevent any aid or loan guarantee pressure on Israel; a huge Christianist Zionist population in America wants Greater Israel almost as much as the settlers themselves (see: Palin, S. and Scheuneman, R.); liberal American Jews have finessed the anguished position of being against settlements but against any serious attempt to stop them; and by now, the settlements themselves are so entrenched it might take something close to an Israeli civil war or mutiny in the IDF to remove them.But it's not Israel that's stopping the emergence of a 'two-state solution.' This is another liberal icon - Jonathan Chait of The New Republic (yes, I know, he doesn't hate Israel enough for much of the Left, but he really is Left to Center-Left) discussing the same Mearsheimer speech:
So given that there's no real way to stop the emergence of a de facto apartheid state....
In fact, a 2009 poll of Israelis and Palestinians jointly commissioned by One Voice Israel and One Voice Palestine explodes Mearsheimer's data-free assertions. In the survey, when asked about a Palestinian state from the Jordan river to the sea -- that is, occupying all of Israel -- 71% of Palestinians called such an option "essential," and another 11% called it "desirable." By contrast, when Israelis were asked about a Greater Israel occupying the same territory, just 17% called it essential, and another 10% desirable. This proves the opposite of Mearsheimer's claim: most Israelis do not reject the notion of a Palestinian state.Hey - but don't let facts get in the way.
And President Obama's connection to all this? Guess which blog the President reads.
When it comes to blaming Israel for all the problems in the Middle East, facts have never mattered. Never mind that if Netanyahu offered Abu Bluff what the latter was offered by Olmert, it would be turned down.
Its not Israel that is standing in the way of a two state solution but that's too much for the world's Mearsheimers and Sullivans to acknowledge.
What could go wrong indeed
Amazing! So according to this "rooinek" (roy-neck; or red neck) I am a Boerejood (boo-ra-juuhd, or Farmer-Jew) who keeps company with neo-Nazi Afrikaaners (many of whom are farmers) like the late Eugene Terreblanche, because:
* I am pro-Israel;
* I support a two-state solution to the Israel/Arab conflict; and
* I hold liberal values...?
Oh, and my Leftie Jewish friends who reserve the right to criticize Israel are all "Righteous Jews".
As a neo-Afrikaaner all I can say to this is; "Gaan kuk in die mielies" (Take a dump in the cornfields)
andrew sullivan is a very confused man.
supports the war in iraq, then turns on bush when all those who were opposed were proven correct.
says that he is a devout christian, yet denies that jews have a connection to the land.
lives as an openly gay man, yet supports regimes that would kill him for his lifestyle.
furthermore, as someone who writes about the beltway everyday, his placing aipac as being stronger than any other lobbyist is absurd
i dont believe that sullivan is a jew hater....just very confused
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