Maybe Bibi just doesn't like roses

"What good are flowers?" He asked. "Can I eat them? Can I give them to my children to play with?"
I suspect our Prime Minister feels the same way about flowers that my Rabbi did (I don't know whether he still does feel that way - maybe he's softened in his old age). Either that or he's way too worried about offending Mr. Obumbler.
But before I tell you the story, let's go to the videotape to get into the mood:
The story is that a group of American Christians wanted to send Prime Minister Netanyahu 800 dozen yellow roses from Texas - at a low price of $19.48 per bouquet - as a gesture of solidarity with Israel against President Obumbler. Netanyahu turned them down.
Has the fight between US President Barack Obama and Israel become so fetid that it can overcome the fragrance of more than 10,000 roses?Mrs. Porter sounds like one heck of a lady. Read the whole thing.
That appeared to be the case on Thursday, when officials in the Prime Minister’s Office made clear that they cannot accept a donation of more than 1,000 dozen yellow roses from American Christians who were upset by reports of Obama’s treatment of Binyamin Netanyahu in the White House last week.
Florida-based radio host and author Janet Porter was so incensed by what she thought was Obama’s inappropriate behavior that she called upon her listeners to give Netanyahu yellow roses to symbolize friendship, with each bouquet costing a symbolic price of $19.48.
The response was overwhelming as Christian supporters of Israel went online to the Web site of Porter’s Faith2action organization and ordered the flowers, which were to be accompanied by a card with the words, “Be encouraged, Americans stand with you,” along with a quote from a psalm: “The Lord builds up Jerusalem.”
Porter contacted respected Beit Shemesh-based florist Richard Kovler, who would be ready to deliver the huge amount of flowers after Pessah ends next week. But he needs someone in the Prime Minister’s Office to receive them.
When Kovler contacted the appropriate Netanyahu adviser, he was told that the Prime Minister’s Office could not get involved, because Netanyahu must be very careful to avoid anything that smacks of disrespect for the president at such a sensitive time.
I wonder if some of the children's cancer support groups (like Zichron Menachem and Chai Lifeline) would be interested in those flowers. Hmmm.
I posted about the problem of political correctness in "Fooling most of the 'Jewish leaders' most of the time."
On both sides of the spectrum we are darned if we do and darned if we don't.
Truthfully, if this gift was given out of affection then some understanding should be extended. The matter should be dropped, just like others expect us to forgive and forget!! (hmm) It was wrong for Bibi not to take this gift but I sure would not want to be in his shoes right now.
Show some compassion people. By over-blowing this we too are appeasing.
Think about it.
As Jews our whole lives we we were told to forgive and forget by the same people who refuse to let this issue go.
Enough. On one side you ask Bibi to play to his best interests and not think of anyone or anything but his own people yet when he does and it offends someone that is ill-taken. Good grief, the whole world picks on us. Why is it so darn necessary to help throw more flames in the fire?
If they don't understand it is too bad. If they do not forgive for this mistake, forget it!!
Seriously, how about 1 dozen roses and the rest of the $ donated to the youth centers that are helping Ethiopian and Israeli kids at risk... we donate there sometimes. I think Hadassah has a program and some other people. I'm a life member of Hadassah. And there is a local group (Christians) who speak out in support of Israel. They might be able to contact the Florida people to place the funds in a very beneficial spot!!!
As I see it, PM Netanyahu ought to politely, civilly stand up to Obama & Co., not kow-tow to them in any way. Obama, Hillary & Friends don't respect what mature adults do, much less what ostensibly professional diplomats and leaders do, namely courtesy or civil restraint.
While they're totally intolerant to those who aren't slavish followers, they do have a morsel of grudging respect for people of principle who won't back down to arm-twisting.
And Israel is better off with a bit of grudging respect from Obama & Co., rather than contempt from giving silent acceptance, which Obama & Co. just view as the new start point for more demands.
It was supposedly Stalin who said "Probe with a bayonet, when you encounter fat, thrust deeper, when you encounter steel, pull back." That also seems to describe the mindset of the closet fascists of Obama & Co.
Show, steel, Israel! You have many tens of millions of real friends in America, one of whom is this Yankee goy! :-)
One wonders if Netanyahu can tell the difference between an enemy and a friend.
Its not a good sign. How will the week to come turn out?
Stay tuned.
huge mistake, maybe Netanyahu's getting bad advice...real, real bad advice
Not that it matters, but the Prime Minister’s Office denies that report:
The Christians shouldn't have bothered. We should never bother. We're always condescended to by the Jews -- unless it's cold hard cash.
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