Don't feel too sorry for the Russians

Dmitri Medvedev has retaliated just in words for now. But he does promise “a harsher, crueler terror crackdown.” Still, we all feel a sense of fraternity with the citizens of greater Russia. They are today’s victims. But Russia has been complicit with so many of the world’s terror systems that it is not innocent. It cannot be.Yes, 99.44% of the World's terrorists are Muslims, but Russia cooperated with them for years, largely out of anti-Semitism.
Read the whole thing (and if anyone wants to send me a review copy of the book, please drop a note and I will send you an address).
The Russians have been looking down on Israel for its actions in Gaza for years now and they've just realized homocide bombings are not only aimed at Jews. Whether that gets them to look at things more critically remains to be seen.
we had 2 jewish injured
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