A man of peace?

In case you've forgotten,
here's a reminder of who Abu Bluff is.
In 1994 Abbas instituted – as Arafat’s Deputy - an unprecedented system of hate-education through the PA-controlled school, media and mosque systems. Since January 2005 – when he replaced Arafat – Abbas has perpetuated the anti-Jewish, anti-Israel and anti-US hate education. Mein Kampf and the anti-Semitic “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” are best sellers. Hitler and suicide-bombers are folk heroes.
Hate-education, and not a dialogue with Western policy-makers and public-opinion molders, reflects Abbas’ ideology/strategy. Hate-education cements Palestinian national identity. It feeds the root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict: the de-legitimization of the existence – and not the size – of the Jewish state. Hate-education has been the main manufacturing line of terrorists in general and suicide bombers in particular
Abbas’ education system de-humanizes the Jewish state, heralds a religious war against the Jewish State, idolizes martyrs/suicide bombers who “live next to Allah” and “whose blood is pure,” denies the Mideast roots of the Jewish state, fuels anti-Semitism, glorifies "the claim of return" (code name for Israel's destruction) and promotes Holocaust denial.
On August 13, 2009 Abbas ratified the resolutions of Fatah’s 6th General Conference. For instance, “Armed struggle is a strategy, not a tactic… for the elimination of the Zionist presence. The struggle shall not end until the Zionist entity is eliminated and Palestine is liberated (article 19)…Popular armed revolution is the only way to liberate Palestine…Opposing the recognition of Israel as a Jewish State…”
Abbas was Arafat’s top confidant and first deputy for 50 years, partaking in the betrayal of Arab host countries: Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Kuwait. He enrolled in KGB courses and submitted a doctorate thesis on Holocaust denial at the Moscow University.
Abbas coordinated PLO ties with ruthless Communist regimes, supervised the logistics of the 1972 Munich Massacre (11 Israeli athletes murdered), co-supervised the March 1973 murder of two US ambassadors in Sudan, was a key member of the Palestinian cell of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo and earned the nickname – “Mr. 20%” - due to his corruption.
Ignoring Abbas’ horrific track record of the last 50 years, and applying moral equivalence and even-handedness, constitutes a victory to wishful-thinking, rewarding terrorism, adding fuel to the fire of terrorism and Middle East turbulence, at the expense of peace and vital US interests.
Read the whole thing.
Our best friend said the following of Abbas and peace:
"Abbas, is a man of peace." Ditto, "Islam is the religion of peace. As for peace, "only a few wish to hijack it."
Our best friend went on to admonish us on giving a Palestinian state to a harborer and incubator of terror not to mention a denier of the Shoah. He warned us that state should be viable and contiguous and not resemble swiss cheese.
The remarkable downside of lying is Bush went out of his way after 9-11 to warn those who harbor and incubate terror. But look what he did for Abbas!!
What scares me Carl, is no one cares to know who the real Abbas is because they have been brainwashed otherwise.
When world leaders and best friends whitewash truth to the point you can no longer see it, what do we have? Truth has been made into lies and lies for certain is the new truth.
We are screwed. We continue to pay for lies and false friendships with our very lives.
"New Abbas / Fatah Poster Shows Israel As Palestine, Next To Rifle And Arafat
"The ZOA calls on President Bush and Secretary Rice to stop wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on the unreformed terrorist entity that is Fatah, to stop making excuses for Abbas, and to stop pressuring Israel to make dangerous concessions on the altar of appeasement. . Rather than complain about Israel's building of apartments in Jerusalem, the U.S. Administration must demand that Abbas immediately and publicly halt the distribution of this hateful poster and apologize for its release. If he refuses, it is time for the President to conclude, once and for all, that Abbas is no more moderate than Yasser Arafat, his predecessor and former partner. The ZOA has written a letter to both President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice concerning this issue, urging them to respond immediately."
ZOA Criticizes President Bush & Secretary Rice For Continuing To Whitewash The Regime Of Holocaust-Denier & PA President Abbas & Pushing For A Palestinian State Regardless
ZOA: Bush Administration Should Drop Fiction That Palestinians Accept Israel & Seek Peaceful State Alongside Israel
ZOA: Bush Speech Promotes False Premise That Abbas Is Moderate & More Israeli Concessions & U.S. Funds Will Bring Peace
ZOA Criticizes Bush Administration's Latest Attempt To Block U.S. Recognition of Jerusalem As Israel's Capital
read it and weap.
"America’s failure to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and maintain an embassy there sends a dangerous signal to the Arab world—it tells the Arabs that the United States rejects Israel’s right to Jerusalem and gives the Arabs hope that the U.S. will pressure Israel to surrender parts of Jerusalem. Implementing the Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act will compel the Arabs to scale down their extremist and unrealistic expectations."
from ZOA
Not just another broken campaign promise but a knife in the back to a friend by a supposed friend.
The hierarchy of the Republican party and the conservative media kept their mouths shut. They didn't even use their influence on Bush. Now miraculously with Chamberlain in office they all love Israel. (again)
I will neither forget or forgive.
"America’s failure to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and maintain an embassy there sends a dangerous signal to the Arab world—it tells the Arabs that the United States rejects Israel’s right to Jerusalem and gives the Arabs hope that the U.S. will pressure Israel to surrender parts of Jerusalem. Implementing the Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act will compel the Arabs to scale down their extremist and unrealistic expectations."
from ZOA
Not just another broken campaign promise but a knife in the back to a friend by a supposed friend.
The hierarchy of the Republican party and the conservative media (with the exception of Carl and a few other blogs) kept their mouths shut. They didn't even use their influence on Bush. Now with Chamberlain in office miraculously they all love Israel. (again)
I will neither forget or forgive.
What in the world is holding back Netanyahu from saying "Go to Mecca!" next time the US demands anything?
What does the US have over Israel? What is the blackmail about?
OR is it just NO BACKBONE!?
Carl - is there an implicit Jerusalem freeze? - Barry Rubin says: YES, there is.
"Netanyahu still maintains Israel’s right to build anywhere in Jerusalem, but is stopping actual construction now in order to facilitate negotiations with the PA."
"The apparent move leaves three key players to decide their response."
"First, will the PA in fact now go to indirect negotiations, having lost all excuses for refusing to do so?"
"Second, how will Israeli right-wingers react to the decision, both in terms of demonstrations and pulling out of support for the coalition? Since Netanyahu will insist that there is no formal freeze, this could undermine their efforts, while a desire for good relations with the United States and knowledge that any freeze is temporary will build Israeli popular support for Netanyahu."
"And third, will the United States show reciprocal appreciation for Netanyahu’s concessions, or will Washington soon be back with more complaints and demands? The freeze has about five months left to run. If there is no real movement on negotiations — and this is unlikely — Netanyahu will want to end it. Would this lead to another conflict or would an Obama administration, perhaps better educated in PA behavior and worried about the erosion of electoral support at home, accept it?"
The defacto Jerusalem freeze will apparently run for the time left on the Yesha freeze. But will it restart talks with the Palestinians? No. And even if they do restart, will it ultimately lead to direct peace talks with the Palestinians? No. Will it lead to a grateful US appreciating everything Israel has done to revive a moribund peace process? No. Given the above realities, Israel has a lot riding on giving up so much for what in the end may well turn out to be a futile gesture. As Barry Rubin justly warns: "Even given all this, no progress on peace negotiations is likely given all the problems involved."
There's more here: Read it all
The blackmail has a base in everything concerning how others treat Jews, which is antisemitism.
It works because of perception in the case of lies.
What we say means nothing. All the lies have trumped truth.
One of two reasons is the treasure beneath the belt for a US president to get the Palestinians statehood!
Period. Look backwards. They have done it at any and all cost to Israel and to the word, honesty.
They have used the utmost hypocrisy in their lies and whitewashes.
Goodness, have we not been paying for time in memorial? Now they have the Palestinians to get at us. As for Iran, wonder why no one has done anything about them for over a decade now? Sure, they pretend. They talk of our security while issuing toothless watered down condemnations and sanctions representing a wet noodle. They whisper to the cameras, "never again" while some calling us dirty troublemaking christ killers beneath their breath.
Neshama, Israel took the move to remove daylight between it and the US and to show very clearly who refuses to compromise and make peace. I don't see the talks (if they resume at all) going anywhere for the next five months and after that the freeze ends. Of course, I expect Washington and the Palestinians to complain then but they also are not serious about offering any compromises or concessions to make a peace deal happen.
Will there be one? We all know the answer to that question and any way, given the reality the Palestinians are deeply divided, the entire exercise is just a fools' errand. I see no good coming out of it.
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