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Sunday, April 04, 2010

Fayyad tells Haaretz: There will be a 'Palestinian state' in 2011

In an interview published on Friday in Haaretz, 'Palestinian Prime Minister' Salam Fayyad claimed that there will be a 'Palestinian state' in 2011. The interview is a series of softball questions with no followup. Here's an example:
Q: What are you doing to stop incitement against Israel?

A: Incitement can take the form of many things - things said, things done, provocations - but there are ways for dealing with this. We are dealing with this."


At 8:56 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Sure... they are dealing with incitement to the extent they refuse to talk directly to Israel or to recognize it as the Jewish State.

There will be a Palestinian state next year... in Fayyad's dreams!

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Alexander Maccabee said...

The picture looks like he is burning a box of un-kosher matzah chametz!

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Geoffrey Carman said...

There is an upside to a unilateral declaration by the Phakestinians... That abrogates all the Oslo agreements and lets Israel do something useful in terms of annexations...


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