Fayyad tells Haaretz: There will be a 'Palestinian state' in 2011

In an interview published on Friday in Haaretz, 'Palestinian Prime Minister' Salam Fayyad claimed that there will be a '
Palestinian state' in 2011. The interview is a series of softball questions with no followup. Here's an example:
Q: What are you doing to stop incitement against Israel?
A: Incitement can take the form of many things - things said, things done, provocations - but there are ways for dealing with this. We are dealing with this."
Sure... they are dealing with incitement to the extent they refuse to talk directly to Israel or to recognize it as the Jewish State.
There will be a Palestinian state next year... in Fayyad's dreams!
The picture looks like he is burning a box of un-kosher matzah chametz!
There is an upside to a unilateral declaration by the Phakestinians... That abrogates all the Oslo agreements and lets Israel do something useful in terms of annexations...
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