The 'mystery' of American support for Israel

Here's a hard question for the world's 'Israel lobby' conspiracy theorists like Walt and Mearsheimer: Given that it has been the case for at least the last 60 years that the overwhelmingly non-Jewish American public
supports Israel, what basis is there for attributing that support to the 2% of the country that is Jewish?
American foreign policy in the Middle East may not be wise and it may not be right. That subject is and must remain open to debate, and every American citizen is entitled to have and to express an opinion on the topic. But a failure to recognize that long standing, deeply rooted and consistent gentile public opinion is the driving force behind that policy–foolish or wise as that policy may be–is just dumb. And when smart people go suddenly and inexplicably dumb, it’s reasonable to posit the presence of an irrational, uncontrolled mental force — in this case, ILS [Israel Lobby Syndrome]. Not every victim of ILS is an anti-Semite, but the prevalence of ILS shows that anti-Semitism like other forms of racism and unconscious prejudice retains a more powerful place in our society than we would like.
Read it all.
Dear Israel, having just read the first part of this piece, I feel the following:
There is no rationality in any of the attacks on Jews and Israel.
None of the things are true: if we ruled the world(hopefully)we would never allowed things to get so bad as they are now.
I have been reading Mein Kampf(available to read online to anyone)
Hitler talks about "the Big Lie: if you tell a big enough lie and say it often enough, people will believe in it.
In islam they have "taqqiya", similar in that you mislead and lie to your enemies in order to gain advantage over them.
So these current nazis delight in the fact that they have turned reality on its head. They know what they are doing is evil, otherwise why constantly deny it?
They know they are lying, but as was explained on Pamela Gellers blog, on the videos she showed from her Freedom Initiative at CPAC, it is permissible.
This is the obscenest perversion of all time.
But so long as you know the truth of what they are doing, you remain sane.
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