Abu Bluff may initiate new 'intifada' to divert attention from corruption

Yasser Arafat was the first to employ this policy to divert attention from the fact that his regime was stealing hundreds of millions of dollars of international aid to the Palestinians. Almost each time that the issue of financial corruption and bad government was raised, Arafat and his aides would step their rhetorical attacks on Israel under various pretexts. The incitement, which in the beginning led to periodic outbursts of violence against Israelis, finally saw the eruption of the second intifada. Now Mahmoud Abbas and his administration in the West Bank are employing the same policy.And of course, it should be obvious to all of you, that even if Abu Bluff entered into an agreement with Israel, he could not sell it to his own people, and he could not enforce it.
In recent months, Abbas has been facing growing criticism from many Palestinians who, on the one hand accuse him of turning a blind eye to corruption in the Palestinian Authority and, on the other hand, denounce him as a “puppet” in the hands of Israel and the US.
The main complaint against Abbas - as one of his former intelligence officials put it - is that he has “surrounded himself with the same thieves and corrupt guys who used to work for Yasser Arafat.” The most recent cases of sexual and financial corruption in Abbas’s administration (which were revealed by the former intelligence official, Fahmi Shabaneh and have become to be known as “Fatahgate”), have caused irreparable damage to his standing and reputation.
The Palestinian Authority is now searching for any excuse to increase tensions with Israel, hoping that this will invite outside pressure on the government of Binyamin Netanyahu to make as many concessions as possible.
Netanyahu’s recent decision to include two religious sites in Israel’s national heritage list is already being exploited by Abbas’s government to send schoolchildren in Hebron and Bethlehem to throw stones and firebombs at Israeli soldiers.
Abbas is also hoping that renewed violence on the streets of the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem will force the US Administration to get more involved in the Israeli-Arab conflict.
He can't even control (or enter) Gaza.
What could go wrong?
It's time for the masks to be pulled off...
The "Palestinians" are not a real nationalistic people, they are a collection of thugs and insanity being used by the general arab nations as a tool.
But the realityis that the fake group, under the leadership of the child molesting Yasser Arafat, the egyptian, has come to pass and now they infact believe the nonsense that has been put out there..
The Palestinians want war?
Treat it like a war... shoot back with live ammo...
Capture any and all attackers (notice I said attackers, not uninvolved civilians) intern the worst of these in a prison camp in the desert...
Call them POW's Let the red cross visit.... Build stockades... No cable, no school, no fancy food, no meal choices....
Make an announcement that Israel has build these POW camps to be the exact standards of china & saudi arabia and they are to be in place until the END OF THE CONFLICT.
No more trials, caught attacking the State of Israel or it's citizens with the idea of Free Palestine? Get captured and go to a POW camp.
No press access, No relative visits, No cell phones...
to those that say how would you like it if? Let's ask Gil Shalit...
Not to mention:Zachary Baumel, Tzvi Feldman, Yehuda Katz, Ron Arad, Guy Hever
Corruption? In the PA? I'm shocked!
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