Leftist US Jews launch campaign to repeal 'racist' law of return

[A] group of post-Zionist American Jews opposes even having the automatic right to become Israeli citizens by moving to Israel.Amy Kaplan's anti-Israel activism goes back long before Operation Cast Lead.
"The Law of Return creates an ethnically exclusive citizenship," Dr. Amy Kaplan, an English professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a co-founder of the 'Breaking the Law of Return' campaign, told The Media Line. "Anyone who can claim a Jewish grandparent has this automatic right to 'return' to this land while Palestinians who were dispossessed of that land, in 1948 and 1967 and most recently in East Jerusalem, can't have that same right. We see this as unjust and want to repudiate that right."
She said she grew up in a Zionist family but that the Operation Cast Lead operation against Hamas terrorists “personally implicated [me] in the violence that it perpetrates in my name.” She did not explain her remark.
The Law of Return, passed in 1950, carried out the principle of the re-establishment of Israel as a Jewish State. The American Jews campaigning against it cite their drive as part of a public commitment to boycott Israel as part of the growing global opposition to Israeli policies, although many foreign elements also have called for the abolishment of Israel as a Jewish country.
Bar-Ilan University political scientist Dr. Gerald Steinberg..., chairman of that NGO Monitor that exposes anti-Israel bias, told The Media Line that the Breaking the Law of Return campaign eventually seeks to make the existence of the State of Israel illegitimate.
"It's always easy to find a group of Jews on the fringes of society who make some noise and who are embraced by pro-Palestinian organizations," he said. "Their entire purpose is to provide more legitimacy to the Palestinian narrative which is focused on repealing the 1947 U.N. resolution which led to the establishment of the State of Israel.
Anyone think 'self-hating Jew' would be an unfair label?
They're Jewish anti-Semites. They hate Jews and they hate the Jewish State. They are not lovers of peace or friends of the Jewish people. They want a Second Holocaust inflicted upon the Jews. Let's never forget who they really are.
Either "self-hating Jew" or Jew In Name Only would be appropriate - seeing as how she OBVIOUSLY doesn't believe in the Torah and Tanakh. Funny how she also doesn't seem to have a problem with all the Arab countries who won't let anyone but Arabs be citizens....oh, wait, she's a Leftist, never mind, I get it.
Did she also marry out- or better yet, is she "partnered?
I always get a kick out of letters to the editor by lefties with "Jewish" names stating that they are "strong supporters of Israel, but am outrage by Israel's latest actions ....". They are almost always intermarried JINOs
How does a person like this even get air time? Because a group of 5 misguided Jews in Pennsylvania decide they're going to change an Israel (foundational) law, the press plays it out?
There's only three groups that have serious impact on Israeli politics and therefore the laws...voting blocs of citizens, people handing out large bags of money, and the Israeli media+legal establishment.
So why even give these people air time?
history is rife with examples of
"Jewish anti-Semites". They usually proliferate in police states and act on principle of gaining some specific and tangible advantage. Question is - what is this shady group hoping to get out of this ridiculous movement? or are they just morons who have nothing better to do with their time than take up idiotic causes? only in America..! :-)
Hello Carl....i am your huge fan.
I do have issue with stupid hateful white trash self hating American born Jews. I just wish they would convert themselves and denounce their Judaism. But I want to tell you this Jews from former Soviet Union are very zionist and proud of israel. Specially jews from countries like Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia. I myself from Azerbajan thank G-D Israel and Azerbajan have great relationship.
I am very proud of my home country and our historical home land. We all have family members in Israel as well some serving in the military.
Israel, Jerusalem Zion Forever
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