When there will be peace

How are the citizens of the Jewish State—for whom, as for all Jews, the essential (if difficult to fulfil) demand from God is Choose Life And Be Grateful For It (see Jerusalem Girl below); who’d desperately love to be sending their children off to grapple with literature, or physics, or even macramé after high school, but must send them off to grapple instead with an adversary that hides in hospitals and mosques and uses women and children as shields; who mourn as a nation every child of Israel killed in action; who cherish every drop of shed Jewish blood as if it were the living breathing person; whose enemies slosh through the blood of their own fallen brothers as if it were so much rain water—how are Israelis ever going to make peace with people whose death-worship is so wide and so deep that they’ve turned mothers—who’ve felt unborn life fluttering, hiccupping, kicking; and later the indescribable pleasure of the scent and feel of their babies heavy with sleep in their arms; the first enthralling toothless smiles; the first glorious infant belly laughs; heard the أمي, “Ommy!” for the first thrilling time; and wiped away the first tears of hurt—into zombies who seek and celebrate the deaths of their own children?When that gets solved, we'll have a chance at peace.
By the way, looking at one of the other posts on Bad Rachel's blog, it sounds like "Jerusalem Girl" either goes to school with or teaches my daughter. Hmmm.
The powers that be are not blind to those facts about the cult of death which the Palestinians embrace.
Does anyone need to wonder why then the push for Palestinian statehood?
Yes, the push for Palestinian statehood while securing the label "pariah" upon the state of Israel.
Do you think the World Council of Churches again mandating divestiture from Israel are unaware of that cult of death?
At the height of the intifada of death upon Israel that train for Palestinian statehood was given more fuel then ever before to rush out of the station at mach steam.
Our 'friends' always speak of "our security" as number one while at the same time doing what ever comes necessary and at all cost to give statehood to the culture of death.
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