Human Rights Watch scolds Jordan on 'Palestinians' citizenship

As a preemptive measure, the Jordanian authorities recently began revoking the citizenship of thousands of Palestinians, leaving many of them in a state of panic and uncertainty regarding the future.Six months later, the self-declared protectors of human rights have finally noticed (Hat Tip: Abu Aardvark via Twitter).
The Jordanians have justified the latest measure by arguing that it's aimed at avoiding a situation in which the Palestinians would ever be prevented from returning to their original homes inside Israel.
Since 1988, when the late King Hussein cut off his country's administrative and legal ties with the West Bank, the Jordanian authorities have been working toward "disengaging" from the Palestinians under the pretext of preserving their national identity.
That decision, said Jordan's Interior Minister Nayef al-Kadi, was taken at the request of the PLO and the Arab world to consolidate the status of the PLO as the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
"Our goal is to prevent Israel from emptying the Palestinian territories of their original inhabitants," the minister explained, confirming that the kingdom had begun revoking the citizenship of Palestinians.
"We should be thanked for taking this measure," he said. "We are fulfilling our national duty because Israel wants to expel the Palestinians from their homeland."
Jordan should stop withdrawing nationality arbitrarily from Jordanians of Palestinian origin, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Authorities stripped more than 2,700 of these Jordanians of their nationality between 2004 and 2008, and the practice continued in 2009, Human Rights Watch said.Maybe someone should tell them about all the 'Palestinians' living in 'refugee camps' in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon (among others) who are denied citizenship, the right to work, the right to hold a passport, the right to vote, etc. It would give Human Rights Watch the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the 'peace process.'
The 60-page report, "Stateless Again: Palestinian-Origin Jordanians Deprived of their Nationality," details the arbitrary manner, with no clear basis in law, in which Jordan deprives its citizens who were originally from the West Bank of their nationality, thereby denying them basic citizenship rights such as access to education and health care.
"Jordan is playing politics with the basic rights of thousands of its citizens," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "Officials are denying entire families the ability to lead normal lives with the sense of security that most citizens of a country take for granted."
I know, I know - it'll never happen. But I can dream, can't I?
Hi Carl.
Strange i was just reading an article about the Palestine house in Canada and citizen fraude.
More than 300 people linked to suspected case of citizenship fraud
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