Good news: Abu Bluff adds more conditions for 'talks'

Israel's continuing colonisation of the West Bank is leading to a "one-state solution", the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, has told the Guardian, while indicating that he may be poised this week to accept a US proposal for "proximity talks" with Israel through American mediators.But don't worry: The 'talks' Abu Bluff proposes have a pre-ordained outcome, which of course is not a 'precondition.'
In an exclusive interview, the Palestinian Authority president also insisted he would not allow any return to armed resistance; offered direct negotiations with Israel in exchange for a complete three-month settlement freeze; claimed he had come close to a comprehensive agreement with former Israeli leader Ehud Olmert that went beyond anything negotiated by Yasser Arafat under President Bill Clinton; and defended Egypt's construction of an underground wall to prevent smuggling into the Hamas-controlled Gaza strip.
"If there is any substance in the response from the Israeli side – for example, if they accept the framework of a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders and an end to occupation, with timelines and mechanisms – then there will be progress," Abbas said.We don't want a 'political solution' in which terms are dictated to us by the losing in a war we didn't start.
Israel is being pressed by the US to respond with confidence-building measures, including an end to military incursions, dismantling of checkpoints and release of prisoners, if indirect talks take place.
Abbas also said he would be prepared to resume full face-to-face peace negotiations if Israel froze all settlement construction for three months and accepted its June 1967 borders as the basis for land swaps. "These are not preconditions, they are requirements in the road map. If they are not prepared to do that, it means they don't want a political solution."
And by the way, Israel only accepted the road map subject to fourteen reservations made by the Sharon government. Isn't it odd how the World forgets that?
If Abu Bluff insists on conditions for talks, its time Israel started adding its own conditions, if he seeks to raise up, Israel should do the same. Its like haggling in the Middle Eastern souk. The object of an Israeli move should be to get Abu Bluff to lower his price - assuming of course Abu Bluff really wants to make a deal - which he doesn't.
NormanF...The powers that be completely understand Abbas wishes no deal in his delusional desire for "everything."
Don't you see, it does not matter. The train left the station long ago. The goal is to give the Palestinian people a terror state at any and all costs.
The Palestinian government no matter Fatah or Hamas want only one thing which no world leader as of yet will say in public. So as long as the real truth is glossed over Israel will take the brunt.
Until Jews recognize that themselves we have no idea what faces us.
Nomatter... I agree that train left the state long ago. As a matter of a fact, an Imam on PA TV (yes, that's the one the "moderate" Abu Bluff controls) declared the Jews are the enemy of humanity and fit only to be killed by Muslims. This is what Israeli Jews are up against and that's why there will be no peace in our generation.
"This is what Israeli Jews are up against and that's why there will be no peace in our generation."
Boy, you hit the nail right on the head NormanF.
Incidentally, every President since MEMRI and PMW have come to be have actual proof right before their eyes and it makes no difference.
They also see pictures of Abbas standing beneath a picture showing all of Israel, Palestinian and no one called him on it.
Regarding the "Road Map", I was under the impression Sharon never submitted it to the Knesset to be voted on since it barely survived a vote of his cabinet (12 in favor, 4 against, 7 abstentions) If so, Israel has never been bound by it.
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