A 'parlor party' for Hamas in my hometown

Palestine Report Back Submitted by ujpadmin on Wed, 01/20/2010 - 5:26pm. When: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 6:00 pm Where: Home of Ann Glick • call for directions • West Newton Start: 2010 Jan 24 - 6:00pm COME TO AN INFORMAL REPORT BACK FROM PALESTINE SPONSORED BY THE UJP PALESTINE TASK FORCE Sunday, January 24, 2010I wonder if they'd still be supporting Hamas if the missile range was as in the picture above.
6 PM Potluck dinner -- Reports and slide show starts at 7 PM
Sarah Roche-Mahdi, Ridgely Fuller, and Lois Mastrangelo have all recently returned from the W. Bank and Egypt. Sarah was in Egypt with the Gaza Freedom March, Lois traveled with the Michigan Peace Team in the W. Bank and Ridgeley visited many sites both with Sabeel and on her own in E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank, focusing on nonviolent resistance to the Israeli occupation.
We will ask for donations to aid programs in Palestine and to break the siege of Gaza.
The Report Back will be held at Ann Glick's home in W. Newton. Call her for directions at 617-332-[snip] or email her at aglick@hotmail.com.
By the way, Ms. (Probably Jewish) Glick's full phone number is fairly easy to find on the web in case you'd like to give her a call.
You wonder why I keep advocating for the IDF (or someone) to present info on ROCKETS landing in Israel in exquisite detail? These type of folks totally disregard the rockets as firecrackers. Some of us who are completely disgusted (as you seem to be) with this persistent view could use the materials to face it down better.
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There are genuine opinion differences ...
Then some opinions are a problem.
Problems always need be addressed ...
Soon my brothers ...
This is not the Newton I grew up in.I have not been back for a number of years, and seeing this, and other mentions recently, I would not want to go back for a look. I feel like crying.Just about all my cousins now live in Florida or California.
What did surprise me was that the 50th reunion of my class of 1955 was not possible to go to, as it was held so close to Pesach. That hurt! NHS had so many Jewish students in my day....not even 10 years after the restrictions against Jews were finally lifted in so many suburbs of Boston. I did not see any support of the enemy all those years ago, though.The modern State of Israel was founded in 1948, only 7 years before I graduated. Now? Newton seems to be a part of Boston, rather than a seperate city. Talk about moonbats! And that woman does sound like a Jewish moonbat. No, I will not be in Newton again. And seeing mosques in Boston? No, thanks.
'Palestine'? Where the heck is that?
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