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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Polish bishop accuses Jews of exploiting Holocaust?

One year ago on Monday, Pope Benedict XVI granted a reprieve to a Holocaust-denying bishop. Now, a Polish bishop, Tadeusz Pieronek, has allegedly told an Italian website that Jews "exploit the Holocaust."
"While it is undeniable that most of those who died in the concentration camps were Jews, there were also gypsies, Poles, Italians and Catholics on the list," Tadeusz Pieronek wrote on the website pontifex.roma.it.

"So it is not permissible to appropriate this tragedy for propaganda," he said in the posting, two days ahead of the 65th International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

"There were lots of Poles, but this truth is often ignored today," added Pieronek, 75.

"The Holocaust as such is a Jewish invention," said the former spokesman of Poland's Bishops Conference. The Shoah is "used as a propaganda weapon and to obtain advantages that are often unjustified," he charged.

Pieronek, who was a friend of the late Polish pope John Paul II, added: "You could speak just as forcefully and establish a day of remembrance for the many victims of communism, persecuted Catholics and Christians and so on."

Accusing Jews of "intolerable arrogance," he said they "enjoy good press because they are supported by powerful financial means, enormous power and the unconditional backing of the United States."

Pieronek also criticized Israel for building a separation wall between its territory and the West Bank, which he called "a colossal injustice against the Palestinians, who are treated like animals and whose (basic) rights are violated, to say the least."

Calling for a day honoring the Palestinians, Pieronek lamented that "with the connivance of international lobbies, we don't talk about these things much."
Pieronek is now claiming that the quotes are 'out of context.'
Bishop Tadeusz Pieronek of Cracow, one of Poland’s most prominent religious figures, said on Monday that he was misrepresented in an Italian Catholic news web site interview in which he was quoted as saying that the Holocaust was a "Jewish invention", according to the PAP Polish news agency. Bishop Pieronek told the Pontifex.Roma web site on Sunday, “Seeing the photographs of the [Gaza] wall we can conclude that a colossal injustice has been committed against the Palestinians, who are treated like animals and their rights are being violated." He continued. “Let them establish [the international lobby] a Memorial Day for them also.”

Pieronek says the interview printed on the Italian web site bares little resemblance to the one that he gave the journalist. He explained, “I have not seen the printed text of the interview, which I have given but have not authorized. But if I were to believe in what I hear from the media then it looks as though the final form of the interview was the idea of the journalist that I had spoken to, as the text is full of vague statements."
Well, here's a Google translation of the Italian web page where Pieronek gave the interview. I've done enough translating to know that Google translations aren't always the most accurate, so if anyone speaks Italian, the original interview is here and I'd appreciate hearing from you whether the translation is accurate. Assuming that this is what Pieronek actually said, it is correct that the allies (and the Catholic church!) did almost nothing to save Jews during the Holocaust. But if the following is anything close to what he actually said, it's indefensible.
Concentration camps is undeniable that most of the dead were Jews, but gypsies in the list are Poles, Italians and Catholics. So it is not lawful possession of that tragedy to make propaganda. The Shoah as such is a Jewish invention, one could then speak with the same force and set a day of remembrance, even for the many victims of communism, Catholics and Christians persecuted and so on. But they, the Jews enjoyed a good press because they have strong financial resources behind it, enormous power and the unqualified support of the United States and this promotes a certain arrogance that I find unbearable. "Considers that, at least in part, the Shoah is exploited? "Of course it is. It is used as a weapon of propaganda and to obtain benefits often unjustified. I repeat, is not historically true that only Jews have died in the camps, many were Poles, but today these truths are almost ignored, and you proceed with this joke against Poland. Again, if your TV from the Pacific Annunziata, made statements on Poland, would do well to learn better. He told a joke. "Excellency, believes that today the Israelis respect the human rights of the Palestinians?" Seeing pictures of that wall is undeniable to say that you make a colossal injustice against the Palestinians are treated like animals and their rights Humans are nothing short violated. But these things, complicates international lobbies, talking little. We face a day of remembrance for them. Of course, none of this denies the shame of the concentration camps and the aberrations of Nazism. "
For the record, it is also a documented fact that many Poles collaborated in the Holocaust and murdered Jews who attempted to return home after the war. Pieroneck ignores that.


At 1:54 PM, Blogger Ashan said...

Ugly man.
Now explain to this ignorant man the extent of the atrocity specifically planned against the Jewish people. The indefatigable Pamela Geller has yet another exposé. How the Nazis worked together to extend the extermination of the Jews in Eretz Yisrael through the vile Haj Amin al-Husseini, who ostensibly had a plan of Auschwitz in order to build an extermination facility near Nablus.

Read about the discovery of the plan and the dirty way this evil collaboration has been and is still being hidden: In Whose Apartment were the Blueprints for Auschwitz found? Why the Secret? (http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/01/whose-apartment-were-the-blueprints-for-auschwitz-found-why-the-secret.html#comments)

The West found a way to defeat the Nazis but left the Islamofascist collaborators out. Could British and US Arabists have colluded to leave them out? The West is reaping a firestorm from what it has sewn with the Islamic devil.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Carl in Jerusalem said...


The collaboration between al-Husseini and the Nazis is well-known and is something I have discussed (and showed video about). Go here (YouTube removed the video) and here. Husseini is widely reputed to have been the 'architect' of the 'final solution.' Perhaps Pam's post shows that Husseini was the architect in more ways than one.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger nomatter said...

ytba....you are so right about the so-called 'Palestinians' duplicity however the Catholic Church is the epicenter of why Jews still suffer from Antisemitism.

In the Shoah Polish Priests sent their minions out to rob grave stones from Jewish cemeteries in order to pave their broken driveways because during the war there was a shortage of cement.

I often speak of inherent Antisemitism. Why the horrific signals pre-shoah were ignored? Why the rail lines were not bombed? Why in the 21st century Antisemitism so alive not just by the common guy but world leaders who find it in themselves to reward the Palestinians while turning the victims of the Palestinians (Israel) into the pariah?

Why have those who know better rewrite history so thoroughly that Jews can not live on their own land?

Why is it so fashionable now in 2010 to debate who Jerusalem actually belongs to?

Why did the Pope just last week declare occupation by Israel the reason for Christian exodus?

Honestly, do the lives of Jew mean any more today while the world diddles on Iran and rewards terror by the Palestinians? In the mean time much of the world mouths, "never again."

The seed of this hate must be exposed and put to rest once and for all.

While Iran and the Palestinians look to be our greatest threat, what can we say about a world who knowingly appeases and enables them?

If the conclusion is innate Antisemitism, we have a lot of work to do before it really is too late.

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Olive Tree said...

I speak and understand Italian: the Google translation is rough, but more or less consistent with the translation given in the article you have posted. However, the Bishop is not blaming the translation for misrepresenting him, but the interviewer. I think the best way to respond would be to remind the Bishop that the Polish Bishops have issued a public apology for their 'silence and indifference' to the fate of the Jews during the war, and that everything else he says is just loaded with anti-semitism.

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Olive Tree said...

I speak and understand Italian: the Google translation is rough, but more or less consistent with the translation given in the article you have posted. However, the Bishop is not blaming the translator for misrepresenting him; he implies that the interviewer has altered the text without his approval. I think the best way to respond would be to remind the Bishop that the Polish Church has issued a public apology for their 'silence and indifference' to the fate of the Jews during the war, and that everything else he says is just loaded with anti-semitism.

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not a Catholic, neither a Jew.I'm not a either a clericalist.
Neverthless, there;s something in this article this man pricesely said. Holocaust was not a Jewish disaster, nor Catholic, not Polish or Ukraninian.
It was a failure of Human condition. all of us, we're responsible for waht's happenned. All if us. No matter who,how old and where from, you are.
There's something true about his worsds, in the very dialectical way.
Look up timor massacre,nicaragua, sudan,irak an dpalestine these days.
It's been done to Indonesia and Diego Garcia Islands. It is the very awfull meaning of holocaust.
It touches us all, and still. And some of us, on either side are using it for power. Israeli people for opressing Palestinias, Polish for opressing Germans and Jews( !) yes yes:( Sad truth.
But what it really does, it helps those with bad intention an dpower freaks to maintain sadly their positions. coz waht has really changed, since this Evil escalated 100 years ago? What has changed since this hatred was pointed out towards one ethinc, religious group? What has chnaged since queers wwere burned along with Jews, Communists, Poles and Intelligentsia all the same in gas chambers?Ask yourself if you're any better, today.
A bunch of hypocrites.
And why nobody stops what Israel an dUSA are doing to Palestinians and Iraqui? Afgahni?

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silly Islamist troll Sasha does his perverted little dance.

By Sasha's "logic" America was wrong to fight the Germans who were committing their atrocities, or the Japanese who were attempting to enslave their hemisphere.

By Sasha's "logic" whenever evil rears it's head, one must submit to it. And if one resists, he is immoral.

Well, I've just got one thing to say about him...

Sasha is as stoooopid as he is bereft of moral fiber.

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

ely dear Y..whatever, I'm not an islamist ,no matter how I'd like it be. they wouldn't take me, I'm gay of Jewish/Polish descendance, you moron. why do you think I'd discuss it.. See...Hop. Little light there.
In regards to US involvement during IIWW . We did'nt need it,but US was so bunkrupted that they thought they'd get into business with Nazis and Alliance-equally. Hence, the Grand father of Us previous president, G. W.Bush appeared to be influential. See. hop. Another light? Us is noty the case.

Other than that, I don't see th e point in discussing with you, as you're all thh same. Hatred on boths sides.We, in the world upon your divisons, hope that you guys will sort out those things within you, and do not include the rest of the world. No need to be so generous as during the 2nd WW. really.
And if by the way, it happens, that you cannot find and agreement, and blow each other up, that will help all of us.

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sasha -

It's hard to tell with people like you if you are so confused about good and bad because what you "know" is so messed up, or if what you know is so messed up because you are so confused about good and bad.

If it weren't for America going to war, you would never have been born because your parents would just be ashes blowing in the wind.

So, if you're of Jewish decent, why did you initially say you weren't, above? "I'm not a Catholic, neither a Jew." And/or why now are you saying you are? ...it doesn't mean I'm a moron if I took you at your word. And by "Islamist" I mean anyone who supports their agenda, as what you advocate does.

I should know better than argue with you, because my experience is that no amount of reason or yelling will make the slightest difference, and that's so frustrating that I sometimes can't help but yell. I shouldn't, and I'm working on it.

But, that said, you still have no clue what you are talking about. If you are Jewish, and would listen, I would tell you to go eat something Kosher, and/or do a Mitzvah, and maybe it will clear you head. And, even if it doesn't, at least you will have done SOMETHING positive that would last you forever.

At 1:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Much love.Have a good night.:)


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