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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Leftist blog accuses Caroline Glick(!) of not being interested in Israel's survival

At Legal Insurrection, William Jacobson reports that leftist blog Lawyers, Guns and Money is accusing Caroline Glick - Caroline Glick! - of not being interested in Israel's survival.
Now Robert Farley, another LGM blogger, lashes out at Caroline Glick (and indirectly me by linking to my post about Glick) for pointing out in a recent article that Turkey has slipped into the Islamist orbit.

Glick is a strong supporter of Israel who lives in Jerusalem. But her politics make her a target for the Left. Just check out her blog and bio:


If there is anyone on this earth who is pro-Israel and interested in Israel's survival, it is Caroline Glick.

Yet for the crime of expressing a view which is not in sync with left-wing delusions about how best to promote human rights, Glick stands accused by Farley of not being interested in the survival of Israel due to her criticisms of Turkish conduct (emphasis mine):
Here's the problem: Beating the bejeezus out of Gaza, whatever merits it may have had for Israeli security, also had costs. People, even in relatively friendly states, didn't think that the operation was sensible, or that it was conducted in a civilized manner. Endless bullying on the Goldstone Report won't change that fact. Support for every aspect of Israeli policy does not constitute the central divide between Western and Islamic civilization; Operation Cast Lead was just as unpopular in Europe as it was in Turkey, and Turkey's recent exclusion of Israel from military maneuvers only highlights the fact that Turkey has maintained a closer military relationship with Israel than just about any European country. Moreover, there's a reason why the Israeli leadership is unwilling to go as far as Caroline Glick in calling Turkey out; they are, by and large, far more concerned than she with the survival of the Israeli state.
Read the whole thing. To claim that Caroline Glick is not interested in Israel's survival, one must be Orwellian.


At 7:47 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

To claim a war can be fought in a knightly fashion is also Orwellian. Israel came very close to the Christian medieval ideal of honorable combat and received no credit for it! Israel defended itself in adverse circumstances. Its something for which again Israel owes no one an apology and it should be pointed out that the attacks on Caroline Glick illustrate how leftists regard people who have ideas different from them. She is committed to Israel's survival; in fact her entire argument is the Left's approach has been extensively tested in Israel and found wanting. If the Left was right, there would already be peace in the Middle East.

At 8:05 PM, Blogger Mr. Gerson said...

I think that such statements can't be taken seriously. I expect Caroline finds the charge as funny as I do.

At 4:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

ROFL, she just won the "Guardian Of Zion Award 2009"

At 4:24 AM, Blogger Kae Gregory said...

It's like a child's game - opposites - where everything said or intended is really the opposite, e.g.; There is no history of Jews on the Temple Mount, Palestinians have inhabited the region for thousands of years, Jews are the aggressors when they defend themselves, allowing Arabs to live in Israel is aparthied, expelling Jews for Arab lands isn't, etc. etc. Like a child's game, only dangerous.


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