Top US investigator: Gadhaffi personally approved Pan Am 103 attack

Joseph K. Miller was an Orthodox Jew from Long Island was was a passenger on Pan Am flight 103. He was a man who was deeply involved in the Jewish community - at the time of his death he was the Treasurer of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations. I lived in New Jersey in December 1988, and there was a boy in the yeshiva in the town in which I lived whose parents were friends of the Millers who told me the story. Mr. Miller had gone to London for a daytime meeting. He left on the overnight flight from New York the night before, arriving in London early that morning. Pan Am 103 was a 4:00 pm flight, one of the last flights from London to New York that day. Mr. Miller wanted to get home to his family rather than stay overnight in London. After his meeting, he ran to the airport to board Pan Am flight 103. He never made it home to Long Island, although he did make it home to Israel. Fortunately, his body was found intact (apparently unlike many others) and he was buried in that cemetery in Beit Shemesh, where his grave looks out over the main path for all to see.
A top US investigator has told the Jerusalem Post that Mr. Miller and 269 other people died on the direct orders of Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhaffi. In a world without exceptionalism, Gadhaffi will be welcomed to the United Nations the week after next, along with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other tyrants who are regarded as 'equals' to the world's democracies. Woodmere, the town where Mr. Miller HY"D (may God avenge his blood) lived, is less than 25 miles from Manhattan, the amount of distance outside the City that Gadhaffi is permitted to venture. Hopefully, the Libyan murderer will confine his stay to Manhattan (he has dropped plans to stay in Englewood, New Jersey) and not inflict his terrorist stench on any other part of the United States.
In a telephone interview from the United States, Richard Marquise, a 31-year FBI veteran who led the US task force probing the December 1988 blast which destroyed Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, with the loss of 270 lives, said it was unthinkable in a regime such as Libya for that kind of major terrorist attack to have been authorized without Gaddafi's approval.Read the whole thing. Joseph Miller and the other 269 people murdered in Lockerbie 21 years ago deserve better than they have gotten from the American, British and Scottish governments.
"If you were a senior minister, would you do this without telling the boss? I doubt it," said Marquise. "I have to think [Gaddafi] knew something was going to happen, something that the US would be pissed about, and he said OK."
Marquise has repeatedly stated his belief that Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the former Libyan intelligence officer who is the only man ever convicted in the attack, was guilty as charged. Megrahi was released from a life sentence in Scotland on compassionate grounds last month, and warmly embraced by Gaddafi on his return to Libya.
Marquise told the Post he was also convinced Megrahi was no "rogue" agent.
All of the victims deserve better. We live in a world in which terror-sponsoring regimes get royal treatment. Which reminds me - Iran's new Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi is suspected of being the mastermind behind the bombing of the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The US found his appointment only "disturbing." That's what we have from Iran - a guy who mass murdered Jews would no doubt like to do the same to millions more in Israel.
Who says the world has changed? Dream on!
There is no "Scottish Government", only the British government.
Scottish government is a fiction.
I have read Mr Marquise's autobiography of the time of the Lockebie investigation from cover to cover twice, and at no point does he hint how Gadaffi ordered Lockerbie.
The most he says about the case is that is was only ever 'circumstantial', and the claims of Mr Megrahi's guilt are not enhanced by the fact that the other alleged conspirator was found not guilty, and no mechanism for how the bomb suitcase was put of the Air Malta flight was ever demonstrated.
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